Update fronted.yaml.gz #233
4 errors and 1 warning
Failed Test: TestHostAliasesBasic
TestHostAliasesBasic: === RUN TestHostAliasesBasic
DEBUG fronted: fronted_test.go:589 Waiting for origin server at
DEBUG fronted: fronted_test.go:593 Started cloudsack.biz CDN
2025/01/29 18:31:41 http: TLS handshake error from EOF
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:98 Creating new fronted
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:626 Failed to create gzip reader gzip: invalid header [error=Failed to create gzip reader %v error_location=github.com/getlantern/fronted.processYaml (fronted.go:626) error_text=Failed to create gzip reader gzip: invalid header error_type=errors.Error]
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:626 at github.com/getlantern/fronted.processYaml (fronted.go:626)
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:626 at github.com/getlantern/fronted.(*fronted).onNewFrontsConfig (fronted.go:218)
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:626 at github.com/getlantern/fronted.(*fronted).readFrontsFromEmbeddedConfig (fronted.go:214)
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:626 at github.com/getlantern/fronted.NewFronted (fronted.go:123)
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:626 at github.com/getlantern/fronted.TestHostAliasesBasic (fronted_test.go:261)
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:626 at testing.tRunner (testing.go:1689)
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:626 at runtime.goexit (asm_amd64.s:1695)
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:626 Caused by: gzip: invalid header
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:220 Failed to process fronted config: failed to create gzip reader: gzip: invalid header [error=Failed to process fronted config: %v error_location=github.com/getlantern/fronted.(*fronted).onNewFrontsConfig (fronted.go:220) error_text=Failed to process fronted config: failed to create gzip reader: gzip: invalid header error_type=errors.Error]
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:220 at github.com/getlantern/fronted.(*fronted).onNewFrontsConfig (fronted.go:220)
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:220 at github.com/getlantern/fronted.(*fronted).readFrontsFromEmbeddedConfig (fronted.go:214)
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:220 at github.com/getlantern/fronted.NewFronted (fronted.go:123)
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:220 at github.com/getlantern/fronted.TestHostAliasesBasic (fronted_test.go:261)
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:220 at testing.tRunner (testing.go:1689)
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:220 at runtime.goexit (asm_amd64.s:1695)
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:220 Caused by: failed to create gzip reader: gzip: invalid header
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:220 Caused by: gzip: invalid header
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:173 No config URL provided -- not updating fronting configuration
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:231 Updating fronted configuration
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:546 Loading candidates for 1 providers
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:578 Finished loading candidates
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:261 findWorkingFronts::Trying all fronts
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:406 Returning connection for front in 12.062036ms
DEBUG fronted: fronted_test.go:558 (cloudsack.biz) CDN Request: POST /ping HTTP/1.1
Host: ttt.cloudsack.biz
Accept-Encoding: gzip
Connection: close
Content-Length: 1
Content-Type: application/json
User-Agent: Go-http-client/1.1
DEBUG fronted: fronted_test.go:565 accepting request host=ttt.cloudsack.biz ff=
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:354 Successfully vetted one masquerade
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:263 findWorkingFronts::Tried all fronts
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:406 Returning connection for front in 12.672315ms
DEBUG fronted: connected_roundtripper.go:48 Translated origin abc.forbidden.com -> abc.cloudsack.biz for provider cloudsack... [op=fronted_request root_op=fronted_request]
DEBUG fronted: fronted_test.go:558 (cloudsack.biz) CDN Request: GET /foo/bar HTTP/1.1
Host: abc.cloudsack.biz
Accept-Encoding: gzip
Connection: close
User-Agent: Go-http-client/1.1
X-Bar-Foo: XYZ
X-Foo-Bar: Quux
X-Foo-Bar: Baz
DEBUG fronted: fronted_test.go:565 accepting request host=abc.cloudsack.biz ff=
DEBUG fronted: connected_roundtripper.go:76 Request completed successfully [op=fronted_request root_op=fronted_request]
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:406 Returning connection for front
Failed Test: TestPassthrough
TestPassthrough: === RUN TestPassthrough
DEBUG fronted: fronted_test.go:589 Waiting for origin server at
2025/01/29 18:31:41 http: TLS handshake error from EOF
DEBUG fronted: fronted_test.go:593 Started cloudsack.biz CDN
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:98 Creating new fronted
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:626 Failed to create gzip reader gzip: invalid header [error=Failed to create gzip reader %v error_location=github.com/getlantern/fronted.processYaml (fronted.go:626) error_text=Failed to create gzip reader gzip: invalid header error_type=errors.Error]
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:626 at github.com/getlantern/fronted.processYaml (fronted.go:626)
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:626 at github.com/getlantern/fronted.(*fronted).onNewFrontsConfig (fronted.go:218)
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:626 at github.com/getlantern/fronted.(*fronted).readFrontsFromEmbeddedConfig (fronted.go:214)
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:626 at github.com/getlantern/fronted.NewFronted (fronted.go:123)
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:626 at github.com/getlantern/fronted.TestPassthrough (fronted_test.go:496)
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:626 at testing.tRunner (testing.go:1689)
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:626 at runtime.goexit (asm_amd64.s:1695)
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:626 Caused by: gzip: invalid header
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:220 Failed to process fronted config: failed to create gzip reader: gzip: invalid header [error=Failed to process fronted config: %v error_location=github.com/getlantern/fronted.(*fronted).onNewFrontsConfig (fronted.go:220) error_text=Failed to process fronted config: failed to create gzip reader: gzip: invalid header error_type=errors.Error]
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:220 at github.com/getlantern/fronted.(*fronted).onNewFrontsConfig (fronted.go:220)
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:220 at github.com/getlantern/fronted.(*fronted).readFrontsFromEmbeddedConfig (fronted.go:214)
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:220 at github.com/getlantern/fronted.NewFronted (fronted.go:123)
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:220 at github.com/getlantern/fronted.TestPassthrough (fronted_test.go:496)
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:220 at testing.tRunner (testing.go:1689)
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:220 at runtime.goexit (asm_amd64.s:1695)
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:220 Caused by: failed to create gzip reader: gzip: invalid header
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:220 Caused by: gzip: invalid header
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:173 No config URL provided -- not updating fronting configuration
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:231 Updating fronted configuration
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:546 Loading candidates for 1 providers
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:578 Finished loading candidates
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:261 findWorkingFronts::Trying all fronts
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:261 findWorkingFronts::Trying all fronts
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:406 Returning connection for front in 12.027661ms
DEBUG fronted: fronted_test.go:558 (cloudsack.biz) CDN Request: POST /ping HTTP/1.1
Host: ttt.cloudsack.biz
Accept-Encoding: gzip
Connection: close
Content-Length: 1
Content-Type: application/json
User-Agent: Go-http-client/1.1
DEBUG fronted: fronted_test.go:565 accepting request host=ttt.cloudsack.biz ff=
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:354 Successfully vetted one masquerade
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:263 findWorkingFronts::Tried all fronts
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:406 Returning connection for front in 12.510472ms
DEBUG fronted: connected_roundtripper.go:48 Translated origin fff.ok.cloudsack.biz -> fff.ok.cloudsack.biz for provider cloudsack... [op=fronted_request root_op=fronted_request]
DEBUG fronted: fronted_test.go:558 (cloudsack.biz) CDN Request: GET /foo HTTP/1.1
Host: fff.ok.cloudsack.biz
Accept-Encoding: gzip
Connection: close
User-Agent: Go-http-client/1.1
X-Bar-Foo: XYZ
X-Foo-Bar: Quux
X-Foo-Bar: Baz
DEBUG fronted: fronted_test.go:565 accepting request host=fff.ok.cloudsack.biz ff=
DEBUG fronted: connected_roundtripper.go:76 Request completed successfully [op=fronted_request root_op=fronted_request]
Failed Test: TestHostAliasesBasic
TestHostAliasesBasic: === RUN TestHostAliasesBasic
DEBUG fronted: fronted_test.go:589 Waiting for origin server at
DEBUG fronted: fronted_test.go:593 Started cloudsack.biz CDN
2025/01/29 18:31:41 http: TLS handshake error from EOF
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:98 Creating new fronted
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:626 Failed to create gzip reader gzip: invalid header [error=Failed to create gzip reader %v error_location=github.com/getlantern/fronted.processYaml (fronted.go:626) error_text=Failed to create gzip reader gzip: invalid header error_type=errors.Error]
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:626 at github.com/getlantern/fronted.processYaml (fronted.go:626)
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:626 at github.com/getlantern/fronted.(*fronted).onNewFrontsConfig (fronted.go:218)
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:626 at github.com/getlantern/fronted.(*fronted).readFrontsFromEmbeddedConfig (fronted.go:214)
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:626 at github.com/getlantern/fronted.NewFronted (fronted.go:123)
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:626 at github.com/getlantern/fronted.TestHostAliasesBasic (fronted_test.go:261)
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:626 at testing.tRunner (testing.go:1689)
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:626 at runtime.goexit (asm_amd64.s:1695)
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:626 Caused by: gzip: invalid header
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:220 Failed to process fronted config: failed to create gzip reader: gzip: invalid header [error=Failed to process fronted config: %v error_location=github.com/getlantern/fronted.(*fronted).onNewFrontsConfig (fronted.go:220) error_text=Failed to process fronted config: failed to create gzip reader: gzip: invalid header error_type=errors.Error]
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:220 at github.com/getlantern/fronted.(*fronted).onNewFrontsConfig (fronted.go:220)
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:220 at github.com/getlantern/fronted.(*fronted).readFrontsFromEmbeddedConfig (fronted.go:214)
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:220 at github.com/getlantern/fronted.NewFronted (fronted.go:123)
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:220 at github.com/getlantern/fronted.TestHostAliasesBasic (fronted_test.go:261)
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:220 at testing.tRunner (testing.go:1689)
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:220 at runtime.goexit (asm_amd64.s:1695)
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:220 Caused by: failed to create gzip reader: gzip: invalid header
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:220 Caused by: gzip: invalid header
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:173 No config URL provided -- not updating fronting configuration
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:231 Updating fronted configuration
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:546 Loading candidates for 1 providers
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:578 Finished loading candidates
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:261 findWorkingFronts::Trying all fronts
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:406 Returning connection for front in 12.062036ms
DEBUG fronted: fronted_test.go:558 (cloudsack.biz) CDN Request: POST /ping HTTP/1.1
Host: ttt.cloudsack.biz
Accept-Encoding: gzip
Connection: close
Content-Length: 1
Content-Type: application/json
User-Agent: Go-http-client/1.1
DEBUG fronted: fronted_test.go:565 accepting request host=ttt.cloudsack.biz ff=
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:354 Successfully vetted one masquerade
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:263 findWorkingFronts::Tried all fronts
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:406 Returning connection for front in 12.672315ms
DEBUG fronted: connected_roundtripper.go:48 Translated origin abc.forbidden.com -> abc.cloudsack.biz for provider cloudsack... [op=fronted_request root_op=fronted_request]
DEBUG fronted: fronted_test.go:558 (cloudsack.biz) CDN Request: GET /foo/bar HTTP/1.1
Host: abc.cloudsack.biz
Accept-Encoding: gzip
Connection: close
User-Agent: Go-http-client/1.1
X-Bar-Foo: XYZ
X-Foo-Bar: Quux
X-Foo-Bar: Baz
DEBUG fronted: fronted_test.go:565 accepting request host=abc.cloudsack.biz ff=
DEBUG fronted: connected_roundtripper.go:76 Request completed successfully [op=fronted_request root_op=fronted_request]
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:406 Returning connection for front
Failed Test: TestPassthrough
TestPassthrough: === RUN TestPassthrough
DEBUG fronted: fronted_test.go:589 Waiting for origin server at
2025/01/29 18:31:41 http: TLS handshake error from EOF
DEBUG fronted: fronted_test.go:593 Started cloudsack.biz CDN
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:98 Creating new fronted
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:626 Failed to create gzip reader gzip: invalid header [error=Failed to create gzip reader %v error_location=github.com/getlantern/fronted.processYaml (fronted.go:626) error_text=Failed to create gzip reader gzip: invalid header error_type=errors.Error]
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:626 at github.com/getlantern/fronted.processYaml (fronted.go:626)
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:626 at github.com/getlantern/fronted.(*fronted).onNewFrontsConfig (fronted.go:218)
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:626 at github.com/getlantern/fronted.(*fronted).readFrontsFromEmbeddedConfig (fronted.go:214)
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:626 at github.com/getlantern/fronted.NewFronted (fronted.go:123)
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:626 at github.com/getlantern/fronted.TestPassthrough (fronted_test.go:496)
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:626 at testing.tRunner (testing.go:1689)
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:626 at runtime.goexit (asm_amd64.s:1695)
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:626 Caused by: gzip: invalid header
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:220 Failed to process fronted config: failed to create gzip reader: gzip: invalid header [error=Failed to process fronted config: %v error_location=github.com/getlantern/fronted.(*fronted).onNewFrontsConfig (fronted.go:220) error_text=Failed to process fronted config: failed to create gzip reader: gzip: invalid header error_type=errors.Error]
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:220 at github.com/getlantern/fronted.(*fronted).onNewFrontsConfig (fronted.go:220)
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:220 at github.com/getlantern/fronted.(*fronted).readFrontsFromEmbeddedConfig (fronted.go:214)
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:220 at github.com/getlantern/fronted.NewFronted (fronted.go:123)
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:220 at github.com/getlantern/fronted.TestPassthrough (fronted_test.go:496)
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:220 at testing.tRunner (testing.go:1689)
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:220 at runtime.goexit (asm_amd64.s:1695)
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:220 Caused by: failed to create gzip reader: gzip: invalid header
ERROR fronted: fronted.go:220 Caused by: gzip: invalid header
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:173 No config URL provided -- not updating fronting configuration
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:231 Updating fronted configuration
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:546 Loading candidates for 1 providers
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:578 Finished loading candidates
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:261 findWorkingFronts::Trying all fronts
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:261 findWorkingFronts::Trying all fronts
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:406 Returning connection for front in 12.027661ms
DEBUG fronted: fronted_test.go:558 (cloudsack.biz) CDN Request: POST /ping HTTP/1.1
Host: ttt.cloudsack.biz
Accept-Encoding: gzip
Connection: close
Content-Length: 1
Content-Type: application/json
User-Agent: Go-http-client/1.1
DEBUG fronted: fronted_test.go:565 accepting request host=ttt.cloudsack.biz ff=
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:354 Successfully vetted one masquerade
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:263 findWorkingFronts::Tried all fronts
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:406 Returning connection for front in 12.510472ms
DEBUG fronted: connected_roundtripper.go:48 Translated origin fff.ok.cloudsack.biz -> fff.ok.cloudsack.biz for provider cloudsack... [op=fronted_request root_op=fronted_request]
DEBUG fronted: fronted_test.go:558 (cloudsack.biz) CDN Request: GET /foo HTTP/1.1
Host: fff.ok.cloudsack.biz
Accept-Encoding: gzip
Connection: close
User-Agent: Go-http-client/1.1
X-Bar-Foo: XYZ
X-Foo-Bar: Quux
X-Foo-Bar: Baz
DEBUG fronted: fronted_test.go:565 accepting request host=fff.ok.cloudsack.biz ff=
DEBUG fronted: connected_roundtripper.go:76 Request completed successfully [op=fronted_request root_op=fronted_request]
Failed to restore: "/usr/bin/tar" failed with error: The process '/usr/bin/tar' failed with exit code 2
Produced during runtime
Name | Size | |
2.59 KB |