dynamically embed remote config #236
8 errors and 1 warning
Failed Test: TestDirectDomainFrontingWithoutSNIConfig
TestDirectDomainFrontingWithoutSNIConfig: === RUN TestDirectDomainFrontingWithoutSNIConfig
DEBUG fronted: fronted_test.go:74 Testing direct domain fronting without SNI config
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:99 Creating new fronted
DEBUG fronted: cache.go:30 ignorable error: Cache file is empty
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:232 Updating fronted configuration
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:544 Loading candidates for 2 providers
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:576 Finished loading candidates
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:174 No config URL provided -- not updating fronting configuration
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:262 findWorkingFronts::Trying all fronts
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:232 Updating fronted configuration
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:544 Loading candidates for 1 providers
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:576 Finished loading candidates
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:270 findWorkingFronts::Enough working fronts...sleeping
DEBUG fronted: front.go:161 Unsuccessful vetting with POST request, discarding masquerade: Post "https://ping.example.com/ping": no domain fronting mapping for 'akamai'. Please add it to provider_map.yaml or equivalent for ping.example.com [op=check_masquerade root_op=check_masquerade]
Error Trace: /home/runner/work/fronted/fronted/fronted_test.go:143
Error: Should be true
Test: TestDirectDomainFrontingWithoutSNIConfig
--- FAIL: TestDirectDomainFrontingWithoutSNIConfig (0.80s)
- No trace available
Failed Test: TestHostAliasesBasic
TestHostAliasesBasic: === RUN TestHostAliasesBasic
DEBUG fronted: fronted_test.go:589 Waiting for origin server at
DEBUG fronted: fronted_test.go:593 Started cloudsack.biz CDN
2025/02/05 18:26:12 http: TLS handshake error from EOF
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:99 Creating new fronted
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:232 Updating fronted configuration
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:544 Loading candidates for 2 providers
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:576 Finished loading candidates
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:174 No config URL provided -- not updating fronting configuration
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:262 findWorkingFronts::Trying all fronts
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:232 Updating fronted configuration
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:544 Loading candidates for 1 providers
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:576 Finished loading candidates
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:436 Could not dial to, x509: certificate signed by unknown authority [masquerade_domain=a248.e.akamai.net masquerade_ip= masquerade_provider=akamai op=dial_masquerade root_op=dial_masquerade]
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:441 Not re-adding candidate that failed on error 'x509: certificate signed by unknown authority' [masquerade_domain=a248.e.akamai.net masquerade_ip= masquerade_provider=akamai op=dial_masquerade root_op=dial_masquerade]
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:407 Dropping masquerade: non retryable error: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:335 unexpected error vetting masquerades: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:436 Could not dial to, x509: certificate signed by unknown authority [masquerade_domain=a248.e.akamai.net masquerade_ip= masquerade_provider=akamai op=dial_masquerade root_op=dial_masquerade]
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:441 Not re-adding candidate that failed on error 'x509: certificate signed by unknown authority' [masquerade_domain=a248.e.akamai.net masquerade_ip= masquerade_provider=akamai op=dial_masquerade root_op=dial_masquerade]
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:407 Dropping masquerade: non retryable error: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:335 unexpected error vetting masquerades: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:436 Could not dial to, x509: certificate signed by unknown authority [masquerade_domain=a248.e.akamai.net masquerade_ip= masquerade_provider=akamai op=dial_masquerade root_op=dial_masquerade]
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:441 Not re-adding candidate that failed on error 'x509: certificate signed by unknown authority' [masquerade_domain=a248.e.akamai.net masquerade_ip= masquerade_provider=akamai op=dial_masquerade root_op=dial_masquerade]
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:407 Dropping masquerade: non retryable error: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:335 unexpected error vetting masquerades: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:436 Could not dial to, x509: certificate signed by unknown authority [masquerade_domain=a248.e.akamai.net masquerade_ip= masquerade_provider=akamai op=dial_masquerade root_op=dial_masquerade]
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:441 Not re-adding candidate that failed on error 'x509: certificate signed by unknown authority' [masquerade_domain=a248.e.akamai.net masquerade_ip= masquerade_provider=akamai op=dial_masquerade root_op=dial_masquerade]
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:407 Dropping masquerade: non retryable error: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:335 unexpected error vetting masquerades: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:436 Could not dial to, x509: certificate signed by unknown authority [masquerade_domain=a248.e.akamai.net masquerade_ip= masquerade_provider=akamai op=dial_masquerade root_op=dial_masquerade]
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:441 Not re-adding candidate that failed on err
Failed Test: TestPassthrough
TestPassthrough: === RUN TestPassthrough
DEBUG fronted: fronted_test.go:589 Waiting for origin server at
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:436 Could not dial to, x509: certificate signed by unknown authority [masquerade_domain=a248.e.akamai.net masquerade_ip= masquerade_provider=akamai op=dial_masquerade root_op=dial_masquerade]
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:441 Not re-adding candidate that failed on error 'x509: certificate signed by unknown authority' [masquerade_domain=a248.e.akamai.net masquerade_ip= masquerade_provider=akamai op=dial_masquerade root_op=dial_masquerade]
DEBUG fronted: fronted_test.go:593 Started cloudsack.biz CDN
2025/02/05 18:26:52 http: TLS handshake error from EOF
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:407 Dropping masquerade: non retryable error: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:335 Creating new fronted
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:335 unexpected error vetting masquerades: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:436 Could not dial to, x509: certificate signed by unknown authority [masquerade_domain=a248.e.akamai.net masquerade_ip= masquerade_provider=akamai op=dial_masquerade root_op=dial_masquerade]
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:441 Not re-adding candidate that failed on error 'x509: certificate signed by unknown authority' [masquerade_domain=a248.e.akamai.net masquerade_ip= masquerade_provider=akamai op=dial_masquerade root_op=dial_masquerade]
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:407 Dropping masquerade: non retryable error: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:335 unexpected error vetting masquerades: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:436 Could not dial to, x509: certificate signed by unknown authority [masquerade_domain=a248.e.akamai.net masquerade_ip= masquerade_provider=akamai op=dial_masquerade root_op=dial_masquerade]
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:441 Not re-adding candidate that failed on error 'x509: certificate signed by unknown authority' [masquerade_domain=a248.e.akamai.net masquerade_ip= masquerade_provider=akamai op=dial_masquerade root_op=dial_masquerade]
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:407 Dropping masquerade: non retryable error: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:335 unexpected error vetting masquerades: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:436 Could not dial to, x509: certificate signed by unknown authority [masquerade_domain=a248.e.akamai.net masquerade_ip= masquerade_provider=akamai op=dial_masquerade root_op=dial_masquerade]
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:441 Not re-adding candidate that failed on error 'x509: certificate signed by unknown authority' [masquerade_domain=a248.e.akamai.net masquerade_ip= masquerade_provider=akamai op=dial_masquerade root_op=dial_masquerade]
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:407 Dropping masquerade: non retryable error: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:335 unexpected error vetting masquerades: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:436 Could not dial to, x509: certificate signed by unknown authority [masquerade_domain=a248.e.akamai.net masquerade_ip= masquerade_provider=akamai op=dial_masquerade root_op=dial_masquerade]
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:441 Not re-adding candidate that failed on error 'x509: certificate signed by unknown authority' [masquerade_domain=a248.e.akamai.net masquerade_ip= masquerade_provider=akamai op=dial_masquerade root_op=dial_masquerade]
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:407 Dropping masquerade: non retryable error: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:335 unexpected error vetting masquerades: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:436 Could not dial to, x509: certificate signed by unknown authority [masquerad
$GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY upload aborted, supports content up to a size of 1024k, got 6022k. For more information see: https://docs.github.com/actions/using-workflows/workflow-commands-for-github-actions#adding-a-markdown-summary
Failed Test: TestDirectDomainFrontingWithoutSNIConfig
TestDirectDomainFrontingWithoutSNIConfig: === RUN TestDirectDomainFrontingWithoutSNIConfig
DEBUG fronted: fronted_test.go:74 Testing direct domain fronting without SNI config
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:99 Creating new fronted
DEBUG fronted: cache.go:30 ignorable error: Cache file is empty
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:232 Updating fronted configuration
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:544 Loading candidates for 2 providers
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:576 Finished loading candidates
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:174 No config URL provided -- not updating fronting configuration
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:262 findWorkingFronts::Trying all fronts
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:232 Updating fronted configuration
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:544 Loading candidates for 1 providers
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:576 Finished loading candidates
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:270 findWorkingFronts::Enough working fronts...sleeping
DEBUG fronted: front.go:161 Unsuccessful vetting with POST request, discarding masquerade: Post "https://ping.example.com/ping": no domain fronting mapping for 'akamai'. Please add it to provider_map.yaml or equivalent for ping.example.com [op=check_masquerade root_op=check_masquerade]
Error Trace: /home/runner/work/fronted/fronted/fronted_test.go:143
Error: Should be true
Test: TestDirectDomainFrontingWithoutSNIConfig
--- FAIL: TestDirectDomainFrontingWithoutSNIConfig (0.80s)
- No trace available
Failed Test: TestHostAliasesBasic
TestHostAliasesBasic: === RUN TestHostAliasesBasic
DEBUG fronted: fronted_test.go:589 Waiting for origin server at
DEBUG fronted: fronted_test.go:593 Started cloudsack.biz CDN
2025/02/05 18:26:12 http: TLS handshake error from EOF
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:99 Creating new fronted
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:232 Updating fronted configuration
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:544 Loading candidates for 2 providers
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:576 Finished loading candidates
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:174 No config URL provided -- not updating fronting configuration
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:262 findWorkingFronts::Trying all fronts
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:232 Updating fronted configuration
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:544 Loading candidates for 1 providers
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:576 Finished loading candidates
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:436 Could not dial to, x509: certificate signed by unknown authority [masquerade_domain=a248.e.akamai.net masquerade_ip= masquerade_provider=akamai op=dial_masquerade root_op=dial_masquerade]
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:441 Not re-adding candidate that failed on error 'x509: certificate signed by unknown authority' [masquerade_domain=a248.e.akamai.net masquerade_ip= masquerade_provider=akamai op=dial_masquerade root_op=dial_masquerade]
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:407 Dropping masquerade: non retryable error: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:335 unexpected error vetting masquerades: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:436 Could not dial to, x509: certificate signed by unknown authority [masquerade_domain=a248.e.akamai.net masquerade_ip= masquerade_provider=akamai op=dial_masquerade root_op=dial_masquerade]
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:441 Not re-adding candidate that failed on error 'x509: certificate signed by unknown authority' [masquerade_domain=a248.e.akamai.net masquerade_ip= masquerade_provider=akamai op=dial_masquerade root_op=dial_masquerade]
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:407 Dropping masquerade: non retryable error: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:335 unexpected error vetting masquerades: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:436 Could not dial to, x509: certificate signed by unknown authority [masquerade_domain=a248.e.akamai.net masquerade_ip= masquerade_provider=akamai op=dial_masquerade root_op=dial_masquerade]
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:441 Not re-adding candidate that failed on error 'x509: certificate signed by unknown authority' [masquerade_domain=a248.e.akamai.net masquerade_ip= masquerade_provider=akamai op=dial_masquerade root_op=dial_masquerade]
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:407 Dropping masquerade: non retryable error: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:335 unexpected error vetting masquerades: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:436 Could not dial to, x509: certificate signed by unknown authority [masquerade_domain=a248.e.akamai.net masquerade_ip= masquerade_provider=akamai op=dial_masquerade root_op=dial_masquerade]
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:441 Not re-adding candidate that failed on error 'x509: certificate signed by unknown authority' [masquerade_domain=a248.e.akamai.net masquerade_ip= masquerade_provider=akamai op=dial_masquerade root_op=dial_masquerade]
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:407 Dropping masquerade: non retryable error: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:335 unexpected error vetting masquerades: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:436 Could not dial to, x509: certificate signed by unknown authority [masquerade_domain=a248.e.akamai.net masquerade_ip= masquerade_provider=akamai op=dial_masquerade root_op=dial_masquerade]
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:441 Not re-adding candidate that failed on err
Failed Test: TestPassthrough
TestPassthrough: === RUN TestPassthrough
DEBUG fronted: fronted_test.go:589 Waiting for origin server at
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:436 Could not dial to, x509: certificate signed by unknown authority [masquerade_domain=a248.e.akamai.net masquerade_ip= masquerade_provider=akamai op=dial_masquerade root_op=dial_masquerade]
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:441 Not re-adding candidate that failed on error 'x509: certificate signed by unknown authority' [masquerade_domain=a248.e.akamai.net masquerade_ip= masquerade_provider=akamai op=dial_masquerade root_op=dial_masquerade]
DEBUG fronted: fronted_test.go:593 Started cloudsack.biz CDN
2025/02/05 18:26:52 http: TLS handshake error from EOF
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:407 Dropping masquerade: non retryable error: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:335 Creating new fronted
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:335 unexpected error vetting masquerades: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:436 Could not dial to, x509: certificate signed by unknown authority [masquerade_domain=a248.e.akamai.net masquerade_ip= masquerade_provider=akamai op=dial_masquerade root_op=dial_masquerade]
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:441 Not re-adding candidate that failed on error 'x509: certificate signed by unknown authority' [masquerade_domain=a248.e.akamai.net masquerade_ip= masquerade_provider=akamai op=dial_masquerade root_op=dial_masquerade]
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:407 Dropping masquerade: non retryable error: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:335 unexpected error vetting masquerades: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:436 Could not dial to, x509: certificate signed by unknown authority [masquerade_domain=a248.e.akamai.net masquerade_ip= masquerade_provider=akamai op=dial_masquerade root_op=dial_masquerade]
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:441 Not re-adding candidate that failed on error 'x509: certificate signed by unknown authority' [masquerade_domain=a248.e.akamai.net masquerade_ip= masquerade_provider=akamai op=dial_masquerade root_op=dial_masquerade]
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:407 Dropping masquerade: non retryable error: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:335 unexpected error vetting masquerades: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:436 Could not dial to, x509: certificate signed by unknown authority [masquerade_domain=a248.e.akamai.net masquerade_ip= masquerade_provider=akamai op=dial_masquerade root_op=dial_masquerade]
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:441 Not re-adding candidate that failed on error 'x509: certificate signed by unknown authority' [masquerade_domain=a248.e.akamai.net masquerade_ip= masquerade_provider=akamai op=dial_masquerade root_op=dial_masquerade]
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:407 Dropping masquerade: non retryable error: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:335 unexpected error vetting masquerades: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:436 Could not dial to, x509: certificate signed by unknown authority [masquerade_domain=a248.e.akamai.net masquerade_ip= masquerade_provider=akamai op=dial_masquerade root_op=dial_masquerade]
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:441 Not re-adding candidate that failed on error 'x509: certificate signed by unknown authority' [masquerade_domain=a248.e.akamai.net masquerade_ip= masquerade_provider=akamai op=dial_masquerade root_op=dial_masquerade]
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:407 Dropping masquerade: non retryable error: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:335 unexpected error vetting masquerades: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
DEBUG fronted: fronted.go:436 Could not dial to, x509: certificate signed by unknown authority [masquerad
$GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY upload aborted, supports content up to a size of 1024k, got 6022k. For more information see: https://docs.github.com/actions/using-workflows/workflow-commands-for-github-actions#adding-a-markdown-summary
Failed to restore: "/usr/bin/tar" failed with error: The process '/usr/bin/tar' failed with exit code 2
Produced during runtime
Name | Size | |
169 KB |