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mrv2 v0.8.1

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@ggarra13 ggarra13 released this 17 Oct 01:56
· 2763 commits to main since this release


  • This is a quick bug fix release to the Playlist creation of adding new clips which got broken.
  • Fixed mrv2's file requester not selecting files with [] in them.
  • Fixed mrv2's file requester not changing directories if you had typed the
    full name of the directory in the filename field and pressed Enter,
  • Fixed a crash when loading a session with no files.
  • Added session name to the window's title bar.
  • Fixed a typo in Python's binding to session (oepenSession instead of
  • Made Save Session not save temporary EDLs in the session file.
  • Added a '__divider__' tuple entry to Plug-in menus to add a divider line
    between menu entries.
  • Made Python's output and errors automatically be sent to the Python editor,
    instead of waiting until the commands finish, like in v0.7.9 and previous
  • Added a cmd.getVersion() to get the version of mrv2 from Python.
  • Made playback play with audio when changing frame rate (slower or faster).
  • Made audio play when stepping through frames. It is currently a hack and
    not a proper fix yet. Also, the stepping buttons are not updated properly.
  • Fixed a locale change when using the FPS pull-down and there were thumbnails
  • Fixed macOS menu bar font size when switching from macOS menus back to
    normal ones.
  • Made saving of .otio files also work from File/Save/Movie or Sequence if the
    extension given is .otio.
  • Added user metadata to save in the session file as "metadata". This can be
    set with the Python commands setSessionMetadata and retrieved with
  • Added a warning check when saving a session with temporary EDLs in it.
  • Added timeline.speed(), timeline.defaultSpeed() and timeline.setSpeed() to
    retrieve and manipulate the FPS.
  • Added image.ocioIcs() and image.setOcioIcs() and image.ocioIcsList() to
    Python to set the input color space of the image.
  • Added image.ocioView(), image.setOcioView() and image.ocioViewList() to
    Python to set the Display/View color space and to retrieve a list of all
  • Fixed reading of OCIO file name in network connections.
  • Color channels (layers) are now kept with the file so that switching between
    media will not revert to the rgba channel if there isn't an equivalent one.
  • USD Panel is now interactive. You can change the parameters and it will
    show the change. The only parameter not recommended to change (except for
    very simple scenes) is the complexity.
  • USD Panel visibility is now saved in the Preferences.
  • Refreshing of cache is now done in seconds, without re-loading and
    switching an image as before.
  • Fixed a crash when creating an empty timeline or a timeline from a clip in
    the Playlist Panel.
  • Fixed missing frames (Repeat Last and Repeat Scratched) when the user was
    reading a different layer and he was playing backwards or stepping through
    the frames.
  • Added drawing background as transparent, solid or checkers.
  • Made dragging a clip from the Files Panel not loose the selection.
  • Fixed a network error (harmless) about edit mode.
  • Fixed Creation of EDL Playlist with image sequences.
  • Fixed annotations copying from source clip to EDL Playlist when adding the
    clip to the playlist.
  • Adding a clip to an EDL playlist will now positiong the current time at the
    frame of the new clip, instead of resetting it to 0.
  • Session files also save and load the timeline viewport options (ie. Edit mode,
    size of thumbnails, transitions and markers).
  • Thumbnail above the timeline no longer appears when there's no clip loaded
    after it was shown once.
  • Fixed pixel zooming and panning on timeline viewport on network connections
    when the pixels per unit was not 1 (like macOS Retina).
  • Added a Reset Hotkeys to default in the Hotkeys Window. This will reset
    all your hotkeys to the default values of mrv2 (no need to mess with
  • Added a Reload Hotkeys to the Hotkeys Window. This will reload the last saved
    hotkeys (ie. $HOME/.filmaura/mrv2.keys.prefs).
  • Fixed Annotations Clear Frame and Annotations Clear All Frames hotkeys being
    the same.
  • Hotkeys are now compared properly when they are uppercase and shift was not
    used while another hotkey had shift and a the same lowercase letter.
  • Some UI fixes and improvements:
    • The Zoom factor in the Pixel Toolbar keeps its value when selecting
      it from the pulldown.
    • All buttons and displays have the same size on both the timeline and
      pixel toolbar.
    • Cursor in all input fields is now red for easier reading.
    • The FPS input widget now displays the FPS with different number of
      digits to fit the value as best it can on the limited width.