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mrv2 v1.2.5

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@ggarra13 ggarra13 released this 31 Aug 22:46
· 730 commits to main since this release


  • RE-RELEASE: v1.2.5 in English had a serious bug in OCIO selection through the menus.
  • SECOND RE-RELEASE: Added toggle between showing OCIO or COLOR information in
    topbar in OCIO menu.
  • THIRD RE-RELEASE: Fixed macOS Intel (amd64) distribution looking for mesa/X11 OpenGL
  • Input Color Space and Look setting are now stored with each clip. However,
    you cannot compare two clips (say in a wipe) with different display settings.
  • Made Image/Previous and Image/Next not appear when a single image or movie
    was loaded.
  • Fixed typo when saving session files which would prevent them from being
    loaded which had gotten broken in v1.2.3.
  • OCIO configuration can now be selected from the menus.
  • OCIO Display/View can now be applied on a monitor per monitor basis.
  • Removed OCIO from the Color Panel.
  • Removed OCIO from the Top bar. This change hopefully won't be controversial.
    Now OCIO is all managed through the OCIO menu which can be easily accessed
    with the Right Mouse Button or from the Main menu bar.
  • Major refactoring of convoluted OCIO code.
  • Allowed Chaging OCIO Input Color Space from the OCIO menu.
  • Fixed OCIO ICS when set to None and changing languages.
  • Fixed annotation markers in timeline showing even when switching clips.
  • Fixed Wayland PNG incompatibility on older Linux OSes. Tested to work on
    Rocky Linux 8.10, Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS and Ubuntu 24.04.4 LTS.
  • Fixed saving annotations leading to black or stopping playback when there
    were no annotations on Windows.
  • Added session pattern to Open Movie or Sequence.
  • Moved View/OCIO Presets to OCIO/Presets.
  • Added OCIO/Current File/Look to new OCIO menu.
  • Added -otio or -edl command-line option to automatically create an .otio
    timeline from a list of clips (movies or sequences) provided in the
    command-line. Note that FPS is taken to be that of the one with highest
    FPS, so sequences may leave gaps if video clips bigger than their FPS are
  • Made -otio or -edl command-line option work with relative paths.
  • Fixed .otio, .otioz and -edl flags when concatenation videos with different
  • Changed name of "Reproducción" to "Reproducir" in Spanish translation.
  • Added Chinese (Simplified) Translation done with AI.
  • Added German Translation done with AI.
  • Added Hindi Translation done with AI.
  • Made Languages display their English name in parenthesis to help if switching
    to an unknown language by mistake.