List of initiatives and infos about women in tech and the industry's gender gap
- Women In Software Engineering: Collects the numbers of female representation in software engineering industry. Data can be seen here
- Narrow the Gap: A single-serving web site displays the wage gap between men and women in the United States on a per-occupation basis.
- Convide Uma Mulher: Brazilian initiative that gathers women speakers' contact to promote their invitation in all kinds of events.
- Black Girls Code: Black Girls CODE is devoted to showing the world that black girls can code, and do so much more.
- Geek Girls Carrots: Attracting women to tech since 2011.
- Girls Who Code: Girls Who Code programs work to inspire, educate, and equip girls with the computing skills to pursue 21st century opportunities.
- she++: She++ is a social enterprise that empowers women to make their mark on the technology industry.
- Celebrating Ada
- PrograMaria
- Minas Programam
- Mulheres na Tecnologia
- OS4W: Open Source for Women (OS4W) is a resource for connecting all women, including women of color and transgender women, to open source projects that are welcoming, inclusive, and appreciative of diversity in their contributors.
- Lambda Ladies: Lambda Ladies is an online community for anyone who identifies as a girl or woman and is interested in functional programming.
- What are the numbers? by Tracy Chou
- Overcoming Impostor Syndrome by Alicia Liu
- The Stories of ‘Women In Tech’ That We May Never Hear by Julie Ann Horvath
- If you think women in tech is just a pipeline problem, you haven’t been paying attention by Rachel Thomas
- Giving Diversity a Second Chance by Rachel Berry
- Women in Tech: The Struggle to Stay Technical by Kinsey Ann Durham
- The Real Reason Most Women Don't Go Into Tech on Forbes Tech
- The Real Reason Most Women Don't Go Into Tech, According To Women on Forbes Tech
- Donglegate: Why the Tech Community Hates Feminists by Alice Marwick
- It Takes a Village to Make a Programmer by Michele Guido @ JSConf EU
- she++ Tech Stories()
- The career advice you probably didn’t get by Susan Colantuono @ TEDBeaconStreet
- Desarollando Desarolladoras by Carla Suárez, presented @ latinity.conf
- Hackbright Academy: A software engineering school for women founded in San Francisco in 2012. The academy graduates more female engineers than Stanford and UC Berkeley each year.
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