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How to add a light source

Gabriele Girelli edited this page May 29, 2019 · 1 revision

You can add a new light source in 2 easy steps:

(1) Add the light source intensity spectrum

Add the intensity spectrum to the data/source-spectra folder as a tabulation-separated files (.tsv). The file name should be the light source name. For example, when adding the light source Cyan, the file should be named Cyan.tsv.

The intensity spectrum file should contain two columns (with a header line):

  • w is the wavelength in nanometers,
  • and ri is the relative transmitted intensity in a.u.. Please, note that the relative transmitted intensity should be in the 0-1 range.

Check out the examples available in the default installation here.

(2) Update the main light source table

Update the data/sources.tsv table by adding one line. The table contains 7 tabulation-separated columns:

  • name is the fluorophore name,
  • peak is the wavelength at which the intensity peaks,
  • scope is a comma-separated list of microscopes that have that filter set,
  • color is either "auto" (in which case the color will be calculated based on start; if start is not in the visible range the automatic color will be "black") or an hexadecimal color string of your choice (useful when start is outside the visible range),
  • and details can be used to specify fluorophores compatible with the filters in a comma-separated fashion.

Check out the default light source table here! In the case of a laser line focused at 780 nm, you would add a line like below:

name	peak	scope	color	details
L780	780	scope 1	auto	AF790,IR800