This is a C++ implementation of a tiktoken tokenizer library for C++. It was heavily inspired by
To use, first somewhere have a lines in your project that reads something like:
#include "tiktoken/enconding.h"
auto encoder = GptEncoding::get_encoding(<model name>);
The value returned from this function is an std::shared_ptr
and you will not have to manage its memory.
Supported language models that you can pass as a parameter to this function are:
After obtaining an encoder, you can then call
auto tokens = encoder->encode(string_to_encode);
This returns a vector of the tokens for that language model.
You can decode a vector of tokens back into its original string with
auto string_value = encoder->decode(tokens)
If you like this project, and find it useful, you are invited to make a donation of whatever amount you believe is appropriate via paypal to markt AT There is absolutely no obligation to donate.