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Unofficial Firebase admin SDK for Swift

This repo implements (some of) the firebase API in swift for use in Vapor projects. This library uses the serviceAccountKey.json like the official libraries. Fetches the firebase admin OAuth token, validates user ID tokens, and more.


Add the package dependency to your Package.swift

.package(url: "", from: "0.0.1"),

.target(name: "App", dependencies: [
    .product(name: "Vapor", package: "vapor"),
    .product(name: "Firebase", package: "firebase-admin-swift")

In configure.swift

import Firebase

// Called before your application initializes.
func configure(_ app: Application) throws {
    let serviceAccountKey: String = // Load your serviceAccountKey.json file
    try app.firebase.loadConfig(from: serviceAccountKey)

In your app

// Validate an ID token
let jwtResponse = try await app.firebase.auth.validate(idToken: token)

// Fetch all users
let users = try await app.firebase.auth.getUsers()

// Fetch a single user
let user = try await app.firebase.auth.getUser(uid: "abcdefg1234567")

// Delete a single user
try await app.firebase.auth.deleteUser(uid: "abcdefg1234567")

// Send an FCM message
try await app.firebase.messaging.send(FcmMessage(
    notification: FcmNotification(title: "foo", body: "bar"),
    token: "MY_TOKEN"))

Also works on req.firebase


Only a few methods are implemented (see above), and several arguments/query parameters are missing. The ground work is done, so adding new methods should be fairly simple. Feel free to open an issue or PR.


  • This library uses the app.cache to store tokens before they expire.