Python cLoud Operations Tool (PyLOT) is a python command line tool designed to help DAAC operators solve the operations edge cases that can't be solved (or which are difficult/time consuming) using Cumulus Dashboard.
Since it is powered by Cumulus-API it will allow the operators to interact with Cumulus stack, for example to monitor the granules status, run rules, and create and update Cumulus records (collections and/or granules).
In some cases interacting with Cumulus-API via the dashboard is sufficient, but there are some edge cases that require the operator to have a tool that provides more flexibility than a Web-Based application.
PyLOT can run as a command line tool in your local machine and accept options and respond with JSON. It can also be used as a library for AWS lambda and AWS ECS tasks.
PyLOT can overcome the limitation of Cumulus-API by monitoring the status of AWS resources (Cloudwatch, SFN, S3...).
This tool will prevent reinventing the wheel, since a solution for a common problem can be easily shared among all the DAACs (sharing is caring).
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Python 3.8+
pip install
Copy file
Define environment variable and source the file