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Gilbreth: A system for processing flowchart images into structured data

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To run Gilbreth as intended, you will need the following:

A machine running Ubuntu 18.04 OS, that can support CUDA >= 10.0.

Install Darknet

  1. Clone AlexeyAB's darknet repository into the deep_learning directory such that the root of the darknet repository is in the deep_learning directory. Do this by running
cd deep_learning
rm -rf darknet #remove any existing directories named darknet, alternatively, rename them
mkdir darknet
git clone darknet
  1. Follow the instructions in the darknet repository to build darknet for your system. In the end, you must have an executable file named darknet in the repository, such that the full path is deep_learning/darknet/darknet

Set Up Cloud Vision

We use Google Cloud Vision API for our OCR operations. You therefore need to generate a token of your own for the Cloud Vision API. You can do this by following these instructions, and then storing the token in ocr_module/gilbreth-token.json

  1. Go to the Google Cloud Console at
  2. Go to the marketplace and search for the Cloud Vision API.
  3. If you're using it for the first time in the selected project, then click on enable API, otherwise click on Manage.
  4. The next screen will show all API keys, OAuth client IDs and Service account associated with the API and the project. Press on create credentials.
  5. This will let you create a new Service Account. After creating it, select the Key Type as JSON. Click the create button, and the JSON token will start downloading.

Once the token is downloaded and stored as ocr_module/gilbreth-token.json, install the python packages for Google Cloud Vision.

pip install google-cloud-vision protobuf google-api-core google-auth

Set Up Open-CV (optional)

For running the 4-point perspective transform (only in the case of skewed flowcharts), you will need to install OpenCV for your device.

Running the Program

In case of a skewed flowchart, straighten it using the 4-point perspective transform provided in deep_learning/preprocessing

Then run

python <image path>

For example-

python fc_dirs/flowcharts/Flowcharts\ 1\ to\ 4\ \(1\).jpg

Information about System Architecture

This section provides information about the syntax expected by Gilbreth per the defaults defined by the authors.

Table 1: Syntax for Shapes

Shape Representation
Ellipse Start/Stop
Rectangle Instruction
Diamond Condition
Hexagon Loops

Table 2: Syntax for statements

Token Meaning Example
in input in: var1, var2
out output out: var1, var2
= assignment operator
+, -, *, /, mod arithmetic operations
>, <, ==, >=, <= comparison operators a <op> b
and, or binary operators
+=, -=, *=, /=, mod= shorthands
++, -- unary shorthands a <op>

Table 3: Syntax for Loops

Type Syntax Example
for for <init>; <condition>; <increment>; for i = 0; i < 10; i++
while while while i == 0

Grammar for Generating the Parse tree

Below is the default grammar used to generate the parse trees in our examples. The grammar must follow the standards set by the LARK parser to be parsed completely. Note that users can set their own grammar as well and do not need to explicitly follow the below defaults.

expr : assign
    | io
    | for_loop
    | while_loop
    | bool
    | cond
    | "START"                   -> start
    | "STOP"                    -> stop
    | "start"                   -> start
    | "stop"                    -> stop
    | "Start"                   -> start
    | "Stop"                    -> stop
    | expr "."| [ expr ("," expr)+ ]
for_loop : "for" assign ";" cmp ";" assign
    | "FOR" assign ";" cmp ";" assign

while_loop : "while" cmp
    | "WHILE" cmpcond: "if" cmp 
    | "IF" cmpbool: "TRUE"                    -> true
    | "true"                    -> true
    | "True"                    -> true
    | "FALSE"                   -> false
    | "false"                   -> false
    | "False"                   -> false

cmp : arith cmpop arith | bool | [ cmp (conj cmp)+ ]

conj : "or"                     -> or
    | "and"                     -> and
assign : var assignop arith
    | var shortassignop arith
    | var incr_op

!?arith : arith binop arith
    | "(" arith ")"
    | SIGNED_NUMBER             -> num
    | var
io : iofunc ":" [ io_comp ("," io_comp)* ]

?io_comp : ESCAPED_STRING       -> str
    | var
    | SIGNED_NUMBER             -> num

cmpop : "<"                     -> lt
    | ">"                       -> gt
    | "=="                      -> eq
    | ">="                      -> ge
    | "<="                      -> le

assignop : "="

shortassignop : binop"="

binop : "+"                     -> add
    | "-"                       -> min
    | "*"                       -> mul
    | "/"                       -> div
    | "%"                       -> mod

incr_op : "++"                  -> add_incr
    | "--"                      -> min_incr
var : CNAME

iofunc : "in"                   -> in
    | "IN"                      -> in
    | "OUT"                     -> out
    | "out"                     -> out%import common.
%import common.SIGNED_NUMBER
%import common.CNAME
%import common.WS
%ignore WS


Gilbreth: A system for processing flowchart images into structured data






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