Sample iOS reactive display using Gimbal Beacons
There are three components to this sample an iOS mobile device (iPhone, iPad, etc), an iOS or OSX display device (iPhone, iPad, Macbook, Mac Mini, etc) and a Gimbal Beacon.
The diagram below shows the callflow between the three components and the Gimbal Manager to drive this reactive display demonstration.
The mobile device is an iOS device running this GWall application. The proximity of this device to the Gimbal Beacon will drive what is displayed on the display device.
The display device is either an iOS device or OSX device running either the GWall application (in display mode) or GWall Display (OSX) application. This device simply displays a URL and can be connected to a larger display for demonstration purposes.
The Gimbal Beacon is configured with one or two attributes (details below) that drive the content displayed on the display device when the mobile device is proximate to it.
- Log into Gimbal Manager
- Create an Application with the bundle ID: com.gimbal.GWall
- Create a Place with a Gimbal Beacon and add an attribute key gwall.url with value pointing to a URL that you want your display to render
- You can optionally add a gwall.default attribute key with a value pointing to a URL you want to display when you depart this beacon
- You can optionally define fine tuned RSSI values for your place so the beacon detection will not happen until you are very close to the display
- Clone this project
- Run pod install to retrieve the Gimbal SDK dependency
$ pod install
- Open GWall.xcworkspace
$ open GWall.xcworkspace
- Fill your Gimbal API Key for the com.gimbal.GWall application you created into the GWallManager.swift class
- Run the application on your mobile
- Follow the above steps and choose the Display option in the tab bar when the application launces
- Clone the companion application GWall Display
- Run the applicaiton on your OSX device