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S800 LENDA Gretina
Intended to complete the documentation written by Jeromy Tompkins and Jorge Pereira about merging the LENDA, S800, and GRETINA data acquisition systems.
Previous documents:
DAQ overview
Electronics schematics
Adjusting LENDA DDAS timing
Report external clock
DAQ test
LENDA offset callibration
Instruction run 60Co
DAQ configurations:
- LENDA standalone
- S800 standalone
- LENDA S800
- LENDA S800 Gretina
- LENDA S800 Gretina Parasitic event builder
graph LR;
subgraph 1["Readout Host (spdaq04)"]
id1["Readout"] --> id2((lenda));
subgraph 2["Event Builder Host (daqcompute001)"]
id3["EVB (ReadoutGUI)"] --> id4((lendab));
id2 -. tcp .-> id3
The DDAS system, which is being used to read out LENDA, consists of the standard DDAS Readout_extcl program and an event builder. The Readout_extcl program runs on a Readout Host machine and outputs its data to the ring buffer named “lenda”. An event builder runs on an Event Builder Host machine to correlate event data from that readout program. The event builder will output data into a ring buffer named “lendab” on the Event Builder Host machine.
- Define the source for the ReadoutGUI (.settings.tcl file)
The source is defined with "set dataSources". In the following example, the parameters "--ring=lenda" and "--sourceid=3" set the ring buffer name and the source id, these are provided to the event builder (ReadoutCallouts file).
set EventLogger /usr/opt/nscldaq/11.3-031/bin/eventlog
set EventLoggerRing tcp://localhost/lendab
set EventLogUseNsrcsFlag 1
set EventLogAdditionalSources 0
set EventLogUseGUIRunNumber 0
set EventLogUseChecksumFlag 1
set EventLogRunFilePrefix run
set StageArea /user/e21014/stagearea/lenda
set run 53
set title {LaBr3 coincidence test S800+LENDA+GRETINA}
set recording 0
set timedRun 0
set duration 3600
set dataSources {{host spdaq04.nscl.msu.edu parameters {--ring=lenda --sourceid=3} path /usr/opt/daq/11.3-031/bin/DDASReadout_extcl provider SSHPipe sourceid 0 wdir /user/e21014/LENDA/crate_1}}
- Create a ReadoutCallouts.tcl file
This file configures the lenda event builder that will return a local (where the readout is started) built event, named "lendab" in this example. It includes the package ReadoutGuiRemoteControl, necessary to be able to enslave the ReadoutGUI when using a master GUI, the line RemoteControlClient::initialize is also necessary.
package require evbcallouts
package require ReadoutGuiRemoteControl
proc OnStart {} {
EVBC::initialize -gui true -restart true -glomdt 100 -glomid 1 -glombuild true -destring lendab
# last three args mean: do not expect body headers in data, oneshot mode enabled, timeout after 20 seconds
EVBC::registerRingSource tcp://spdaq04.nscl.msu.edu/lenda {} 3 "lenda data source 3" 1 1 20 ;
- Create bash scripts to setup the environement and start the Readout
For this example there are two bash scripts "godaqLENDA" and "startrdo_lenda", this firt one just ssh to the Event Builder machine and apply the buster command to the second bash script, which sets the DAQ environement and starts the ReadoutShell command.
ssh -Y daqcompute001.frib.msu.edu $HOME/bin/bustercmd $HOME/bin/startrdo_lenda
. ~/.bashrc
echo The timezone is $TZ
source /usr/opt/nscldaq/$VERSION/daqsetup.bash -f
echo Using infinity clock: $INFINITY_CLOCK
#echo Using FIFO threshold: $FIFO_THRESHOLD
cd ~/LENDA
export EVENTS=/user/e21014/stagearea/lenda
echo Event space is $EVENTS
- Make sure to have a good .set file for DDAS (not corrupted)
graph LR;
subgraph 1["Readout + Event Builder + Filter Host (spdaq50)"]
id1["CCUSB Readout"] --> id2((raw ccusb)) --> id3["EVB"] --> id4((s800built)) --> id5["S800 Filter"] --> id6((s800filter));
id7["VMUSB Readout"] --> id8((raw vmusb)) --> id3["EVB"];
graph LR;
subgraph 1["Readout Host LENDA (spdaq04)"]
id1["Readout"] --> id2((lenda));
subgraph 2["Readouts + Event Builder + Filter Host S800 (spdaq50)"]
id3["Readouts + Event Builder + Filter"] --> id4((s800filter));
subgraph 3["Event Builder Host LENDA+S800 (daqcompute001)"]
id5["EVB (ReadoutGUI)"] --> id6((lenda_s800_built));
id2 -. tcp .-> id5
id4 -. tcp .-> id5
graph LR;
subgraph 1["Event Builder Host LENDA (daqcompute001)"]
id1["EVB"] --> id2((lendab));
subgraph 2["Readouts + Event Builder + Filter Host S800 (spdaq50)"]
id3["Readouts + Event Builder + Filter"] --> id4((s800filter));
subgraph 3["Event Builder Host (spdaq32)"]
id5["pushToGEB (ReadoutGUI)"];
id6["pushToGEB (ReadoutGUI)"];
id7["tapcat"] --> id8["glom"] --> id9((lenda_s800_gretina_built));
subgraph 4["Global Event Builder Host (spdaq32)"]
id10["EVB"] --> id11((gretina)) --> id12["GEB"];
id2 -. tcp .-> id5
id4 -. tcp .-> id6
id5 --> id12
id6 --> id12
id12 --> id7
graph LR;
subgraph 1["Event Builder Host LENDA (daqcompute001)"]
id1["EVB"] --> id2((lendab));
subgraph 2["Readouts + Event Builder + Filter Host S800 (spdaq50)"]
id3["Readouts + Event Builder + Filter"] --> id4((s800filter));
subgraph 3["Event Builder Host (spdaq32)"]
id5["pushToGEB (ReadoutGUI)"];
id6["pushToGEB (ReadoutGUI)"];
id7["tapcat"] --> id8["glom"] --> id9((lenda_s800_gretina_built));
subgraph 4["Global Event Builder Host (spdaq32)"]
id10["EVB"] --> id11((gretina)) --> id12["GEB"];
subgraph 5["Parasitic Event Builder Host (daqcompute001)"]
id13["EVB"] --> id14((lenda_s800_built));
id2 -. tcp .-> id5
id4 -. tcp .-> id6
id5 --> id12
id6 --> id12
id12 --> id7
id2 -. tcp .-> id13
id4 -. tcp .-> id13