A simple utility for easily executing AWS cli commands with an assumed role.
For more information about the motiviation behind developing this utility, please read our blog post Assuming roles in AWS with sudo-like agility.
awsudo [-d|--duration] [-p|--profile] [-n|--session-name] [-e|--external-id] [-v|--verbose]
[-m|--mfa-token-arn] [-t|--mfa-token] <arn> <command..>
Assume an IAM role for the duration of a command
arn ARN to assume [string]
command Command to run
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
-d, --duration The duration to assume this role in seconds. See
[number] [default: 900]
-p, --profile The profile used to assume the role
[string] [default: ""]
-n, --session-name The role session name to use
[string] [default: "RoleSession"]
-e, --external-id The external id string used to authenticate role
assumption [string] [default: false]
-v, --verbose Show debug information [boolean] [default: false]
-t, --mfa-token Current MFA token [Must also supply mfa-token-arn]
[string] [default: false]
-m, --mfa-token-arn ARN for users MFA [Must also supply mfa-token]
[string] [default: false]
awsudo can be installed as a global utility to use alongside the AWS cli for day-to-day operations, local troubleshooting, etc:
npm install -g awsudo
awsudo can also be installed for use by specific Node.js projects (i.e. as part of a CI/CD build process) by adding it as a dependency like any other:
npm install --save-dev awsudo
npm will place it in the execution PATH for any scripts defined in it package.json that it runs (e.g. start, test).
awsudo can also be used from its official Docker image, which packages it along with its dependencies and the AWS cli.
docker pull awsudo/awsudo
The Docker image can be used as a direct command (remember to mount your AWS configuration as a volume in the container):
docker run -v ~/.aws:/root/.aws awsudo/awsudo awsudo arn:aws:iam::[AWS_ACCOUNT_ID]:role/[role name] [aws command]
or it can be launched as an environment for running multiple commands interactively:
docker run -it -v ~/.aws:/root/.aws awsudo/awsudo awsudo /bin/bash
In addition to the native npm package and Docker image, there are .deb and .rpm packages avaialble.
Warning: You must install Node.js separately, because these packages are not marked as dependent on Node.js within the Debian or Red Hat ecosystems. This facilitates portability across distributions and better accomodates the multitude of ways Node.js can be installed (e.g. using nvm).
These can be downloaded from
the releases tab in your browser
the command-line:
Latest .deb
curl -LO $(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/meltwater/awsudo/releases/latest | grep -Eo 'https://github\.com/meltwater/awsudo/releases/download/v.*\.deb')
Latest .rpm
curl -LO $(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/meltwater/awsudo/releases/latest | grep -Eo 'https://github\.com/meltwater/awsudo/releases/download/v.*\.rpm')
Basic usage when awsudo is on the PATH:
awsudo arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/S3Access aws s3 cp ./some/directory s3://some-bucket
when using with Docker as a command (i.e. not within the container):
docker run -v ~/.aws:/root/.aws awsudo/awsudo awsudo arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/S3Access aws s3 cp ./some/directory s3://some-bucket
The Docker image can also be used with CI/CD tools like Drone or CircleCI.
Here is an example Drone pipeline step which uses the awsudo Docker image to deploy into AWS:
image: awsudo/awsudo:latest
# Copy build artifacts to publicly-readable S3 bucket
- awsudo arn:aws:iam::${AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}:role/S3Access aws s3 cp ./build s3://some-bucket --acl public-read --recursive
- aws_access_key_id
- aws_account_id
- aws_secret_access_key
- Appropriate environment variables must be set for aws-sdk to work.
Do we accept contributions? YES! (see our policy for details)
Thank you to everyone who has been one of our contributors!
The maintainer of this repository is the AWS sudo open source maintainers at Meltwater, please send us any questions.