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giuspen committed Oct 4, 2024
1 parent 770a841 commit 3b24001
Showing 3 changed files with 41 additions and 20 deletions.
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions changelog.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,16 @@
1.2.0 (October 4th, 2024)
* dropped unmaintained and outdated libgtksourceviewmm3 for libgtksourceview4 (direct access to C API, #2562)
* implemented quick node selection typing part of the node name, default keyboard shortcut to Ctrl+Shift+G (#2552, work of @ericguin)
* implemented collapsible headers support when TOC is generated (#2389)
* fixed links to nodes not working when exporting to html, single file (#2570)
* fixed properties of fonts selected in the preferences dialog not enforced: bold, italic, stretch, variant (#2533)
* hyperlinks: do not automatically add the prefix http:// when a URL-like prefix already exists (#2570)
* fixed crash pressing Ctrl+Z while editing table light cell
* changed default keyboard shortcut to open codebox properties dialog to Shift+Alt+U as the previous shortcut was causing problems to german layout keyboards (#2549)
* fixed formatting issues with fmt 11 (#2548, #2560)
* added support for new language Slovak (work of Michal Fusatý)
* incomplete languages: ar, el, fa, fi, hi_IN, hr, kk_KZ, kk_LA, pt_BR, ru, zh_CN

1.1.4 (June 30th, 2024)
* implemented reset of zoom with Ctrl+0 (#1835)
* fixed syntax error in latex box wrongly detected as a failure to access latex executable (#2534)
22 changes: 13 additions & 9 deletions debian/changelog
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
cherrytree (1.1.4-2) focal; urgency=low
cherrytree (1.2.0-2) focal; urgency=low

* implemented reset of zoom with Ctrl+0 (#1835)
* fixed syntax error in latex box wrongly detected as a failure to access latex executable (#2534)
* copy link to node and copy anchor link to include absolute path to the cherrytree document and hierarchical path to node (#2452)
* added auto recovery from a backup (after asking the user) in case of corrupted cherrytree single file document (.ctd, .ctz, .ctb, .ctx)
* added warning message in case an automatic restore from backup was necessary for the new multifile data storage document
* fixed regression with locale in some linux systems (#2529)
* incomplete languages: fi, hi_IN, hu
* dropped unmaintained and outdated libgtksourceviewmm3 for libgtksourceview4 (direct access to C API, #2562)
* implemented quick node selection typing part of the node name, default keyboard shortcut to Ctrl+Shift+G (#2552, work of @ericguin)
* implemented collapsible headers support when TOC is generated (#2389)
* fixed links to nodes not working when exporting to html, single file (#2570)
* fixed properties of fonts selected in the preferences dialog not enforced: bold, italic, stretch, variant (#2533)
* hyperlinks: do not automatically add the prefix http:// when a URL-like prefix already exists (#2570)
* fixed crash pressing Ctrl+Z while editing table light cell
* changed default keyboard shortcut to open codebox properties dialog to Shift+Alt+U as the previous shortcut was causing problems to german layout keyboards (#2549)
* fixed formatting issues with fmt 11 (#2548, #2560)
* added support for new language Slovak (work of Michal Fusatý)
* incomplete languages: ar, el, fa, fi, hi_IN, hr, kk_KZ, kk_LA, pt_BR, ru, zh_CN

-- Giuseppe Penone <> Sun, 30 Jun 2024 15:13:02 +0100
-- Giuseppe Penone <> Fri, 04 Oct 2024 16:24:58 +0100
26 changes: 15 additions & 11 deletions supporters/supporters.html
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,18 +1,20 @@
<pre class="wp-block-code"><code>544 Friends of (donated €33979,93)
<pre class="wp-block-code"><code>548 Friends of (donated €34426,79)

* Oleg Zech (Cyprus) donated €19256 {circa, from Bitcoin}
* Andy Lavarre (United States) donated €715 {android, creation/modification per node + search filter}
* DBA IotaHosting (United States) donated €660 {2024/06}
* DBA IotaHosting (United States) donated €690 {2024/09}
* Per Funke (???) donated €300 {2024/03}
* Miguel Latorre (Spain) donated €240
* Rene Gommes (Italy) donated €219,56
* Matej Vavrousek (Czech Republic) donated €220 {2024/06}
* Anonymous (???) donated €216 {2024/04 - circa, from Bitcoin}
* Alexander Boll (???) donated €200 {2024/08}
* (International) donated €200
* Tamas Gombkoto (???) donated €200
* Jt Spratley (United States) donated €186
* Randall Forsyth (???) donated €179,63 {2024/09, collapsable headers}
* Roland Brown (???) donated €178,54 {2024/09, shared nodes}
* PH (???) donated €168
* Roland Brown (???) donated €163,54 {2024/06, shared nodes}
* Daniel Nilson (United States) donated €158,36
* Giulio Achilli (Italy) donated €140
* Vinny Pinto (United States) donated €140
@@ -33,16 +35,15 @@
* Stefan Hein (Germany) donated €90 {2023/12}
* William Haschke (United States) donated €90
* Aslam Karachiwala (???) donated €85 {2024/04}
* Randall Forsyth (???) donated €84,77 {2024/06, collapsable headers}
* Prema Systems (New Zaeland) donated €80
* Richard Hureau (???) donated €77 {2024/04}
* Antonio Gonzalez (???) donated €75
* Edward NG (???) donated €74 {2024/10}
* Frank Nash (???) donated €70
* Michael Moyer (United States) donated €70
* Petr Mahdalik (Czech Republic) donated €70
* Alexander Sieburg (Germany) donated €65
* Charles Leis (United States) donated €65
* Edward NG (???) donated €65
* Herb Swanson (???) donated €65
* Robert Madore (Canada) donated €65
* Tera Perry (???) donated €65 {2024/05, tabs for multiple instances}
@@ -84,15 +85,20 @@
* Andrew Petersen (???) donated €40
* Donal Storey (???) donated €40
* Emerson Castaneda (???) donated €40
* Fabio Sabino (Italy) donated €40 {2024/09}
* Ian Ansdell (United Kingdom) donated €40
* Jack Downes (United States) donated €40
* John Mello (???) donated €40 {2024/08}
* John Walker (???) donated €40 {2024/03}
* Marcelo Bovo (Brazil) donated €40
* Miguel Silva (???) donated €40 {2024/07}
* PER (???) donated €40
* Plamen Kasabov (???) donated €40
* Sylvain Pasche (Switzerland) donated €40
* Thomas Ludwig (Germany) donated €40
* Vladimir Vučković (???) donated €40 {2023/12}
* MaxPentest LLC (United States) donated €40 {option to disable auto url links, 2024/09}
* Harald Wenzel (???) donated €35 {2024/09}
* Juan Rivera (Spain) donated €35
* Glen Garfein (United States) donated €31,25
* Christoph Rottleb (Germany) donated €30
@@ -107,11 +113,9 @@
* Johnathan Moseley (United States) donated €30
* Josh Hanson (United States) donated €30 {sub item pressing the TAB key in lists}
* Luis Ribeiro (Portugal) donated €30
* Max Vision (United States) donated €30 {option to disable auto url links}
* MC Merchants (United States) donated €30
* Michael Jabbour (Austria) donated €30
* Miguel Gestal (Spain) donated €30
* Randall Forsyth (???) donated €30
* Ravinderpal Vaid (United States) donated €30
* Scott Bishop (???) donated €30
* Stanescu Ionut (New Zaeland) donated €30 {markdown input support}
@@ -122,7 +126,6 @@
* Bruce Ashford (United Kingdom) donated €25
* Claus Otterpohl (Germany) donated €25
* Georg Fellmann (Germany) donated €25
* Harald Wenzel (???) donated €25 {2023/12}
* James Lin (United States) donated €25
* Jean-Charles Granger (???) donated €25 {support for tabs}
* John DeOrian (United States) donated €25 {bulleted list indentation hierarchical, Integrate LaTeX (mathematical formulas)}
@@ -169,13 +172,13 @@
* Eric Baker (???) donated €20
* Evan Tran (???) donated €20
* Fabio Rahamim (Israel) donated €20
* Fabio Sabino (Italy) donated €20
* Francesco Zaniol (Australia) donated €20
* Frank Dehmel (Germany) donated €20
* Frank Littmann (Germany) donated €20
* Gaurav Pal (United Kingdom) donated €20
* Gene Clem (United States) donated €20
* Geoffrey Munn (United Kingdom) donated €20
* George McIlrath (???) donated €20 {2024/07}
* Guy Audet (Canada) donated €20
* Håkon Skogsrud (???) donated €20
* Hannes Mertl (Austria) donated €20
@@ -196,7 +199,6 @@
* John Dingwall (???) donated €20
* John Gleason (???) donated €20
* John McCoy (???) donated €20
* John Mello (???) donated €20
* John Parkin (United Kingdom) donated €20
* John Zeman (???) donated €20
* Jonathon Fuller (???) donated €20 {export to markdown}
@@ -211,7 +213,6 @@
* Marcin Woźniak (???) donated €20
* Michael Matney (United States) donated €20
* Michael Richmond (???) donated €20
* Miguel Silva (???) donated €20
* Nicholas Perito (???) donated €20
* Paul Burgess (United Kingdom) donated €20
* Peter Beaumont (Germany) donated €20
@@ -226,6 +227,7 @@
* Rudolf Waltenberger (Austria) donated €20
* Rudy Witt (Canada) donated €20
* Scott Henderson (???) donated €20 {way to make spellcheck more visible}
* Sergei Lantukh (???) donated €20 {2024/07}
* Severin Selzer (???) donated €20
* Shadox (???) donated €20 {2024/01}
* Shawn Elliott (???) donated €20
@@ -509,6 +511,7 @@
* Richard Munn (???) donated €5
* Richard Schwank (???) donated €5
* Ross Canning (???) donated €5
* Ruggero Rizzo (Italy) donated €5 {2024/09}
* Sergio Busso (Argentina) donated €5
* Sol Hübner (Germany) donated €5
* Stanislav Dobrutskyi (???) donated €5
@@ -531,6 +534,7 @@
* Zachary Peterson (United States) donated €3,64
* Frank Maniscalco (Canada) donated €3,50
* Hugo McPhee (Australia) donated €3,26
* Alexander Fraser (???) donated €3 {2024/09}
* Karim Moubarik (???) donated €3
* Shawn McCloskey (???) donated €3
* Tomáš Chalúpek (Czech Republic) donated €3

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