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Phase 1: : Supporting Primitive Operators

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In this foundational phase, LuminAIR focuses on supporting a minimal set of 11 primitive operators, which are sufficient to implement a wide range of machine learning models, such as linear regression, convolutional networks, and transformers.

  • Unary: Log2, Exp2, Sin, Sqrt, Recip
  • Binary: Add, Mul, Mod, LessThan
  • Other: SumReduce, MaxReduce, Contiguous


In this foundational phase, LuminAIR focuses on supporting a minimal set of 11 primitive operators, which are sufficient to implement a wide range of machine learning models, such as linear regression, convolutional networks, and transformers.

  • Unary: Log2, Exp2, Sin, Sqrt, Recip
  • Binary: Add, Mul, Mod, LessThan
  • Other: SumReduce, MaxReduce, Contiguous

These operators are implemented via the PrimitiveCompiler, a subset of the StwoCompiler.
Each operator requires a corresponding specialized component in the AIR (Algebraic Intermediate Representation).
