Julia code to generate the plots used in the counter examples sections of our paper on the solutions to Schrödinger equations with analytic potentials, available on arXiv.
Julia 1.9.3 with the following libraries:
- DFTK.jl 0.6.11
- PyPlot, LineSearches, LinearAlgebra, Optim
- For the linear cases : DoubleFloats and GenericLinearAlgebra
To perform the computations, first open the Julia shell with julia --project
from the location of this repository and then run
using Pkg
to install the required dependencies.
To generate the plots from Section 3.4.2 - Figure 1 of the paper, just run within the Julia shell:
Plots are then saved in test_decay_linear_egval.png
To generate the plots from Section 3.4.2 - Figure 2 of the paper, just run within the Julia shell:
Plots are then saved in test_pw_discretization.png
To generate the plots from Section 4.2.1 of the paper, just run within the Julia shell:
Plots are then saved in test_decay_gp.png
and u0_gp.png
To generate the plots from Section 4.2.2 of the paper, just run within the Julia shell:
Plots are then saved in test_decay.png
and u0.png
This is research code, not necessarily user-friendly, actively maintened or extremely robust. If you have questions or encounter problems, get in touch!