Today I Learned
My "Today I Learned" (TIL) snippets, inspired by jbranchaud/til. I'd also like to point out simonw/til.
- Ansible
- Authentication
- Bash
- Chrome
- Docker
- Dropwizard
- Electron
- Git
- GitHub
- H2
- Java
- JavaScript
- Kubernetes
- Linux
- Markdown
- Maven
- Microsoft Teams
- Obsidian
- PostgreSQL
- Postman
- PowerShell
- Raspberry Pi
- React
- Rust
- Terraform
- Terragrunt
- Ubuntu
- VMware
- VSCode
- Wget
- Windows
- List MFA Devices
- List CIDR Blocks in Use
- List EC2 Instances Filtered by AMI
- List RDS Cluster Snapshots
- Exit Assumed IAM Role
- Compose, Build, and Tag
- Docker container statistics
- The difference between CMD and ENTRYPOINT
- Docker Compose Restart Policy
- Docker Health Check
- Format Docker Inspect with jq
- Override the Entry Point
- Volume Mounts on Windows
- Docker Import
- Extract File from Docker Image
- Set the root path
- Shutdown options for Dropwizard
- Database transactions in non-Jersey resources
- Environment variables
- Add Swagger Documentation to Dropwizard
- Change Log Level Using Admin Task
- Run a Background Process in Dropwizard
- Update Deprecated API Reference
- Recover Deleted Branch
- Bypass Git Hooks
- Use Credential Manager Under WSL
- Merge Individual Files
- Checkout a Tag
- Remove a Tag
- Modify Commit Message
- Rename a Tag
- Change Commit for Tag
- Revert a Revert
- Find Commit by Git Hash
- Get the Commit Hash
- Locate Branches the Commit is On
- Signing Commits
- Remove Unused Branches
- Remove from Git but Keep Local File
- Create Empty Folder with Online Editor
- GitHub CLI
- Add an Image to a Wiki
- Filter API Results with JQ
- GitHub Statistics in Your README
- Execute a Java Class with JShell
- Use Jackson to deserialize an array of objects
- Ignore null values with Jackson
- Add Classpath to Shaded JAR
- Import External Library in JShell
- Hide Password in Command Line Argument using Argparse4j
- Convert Hex to Base64
- Get URI information
- Shebang! Run Single File Java as Script
- Display Contents of JAR Manifest
- Check Certificates in a Keystore
- Update Manifest inside JAR
- Java Console Application Spinner
- Java Simple Web Server
- Switch Context
- Copy Files from a Pod
- Obtain Previous Container's Crash Log
- List Recently Deleted Pods
- Export tables to CSV
- Change password
- Dump a Database from a Docker Container
- PostgreSQL Is Ready Utility
- Analyze a PostgreSQL Database from the Command Line
- Get Windows Capability
- Scoop
- Equivalent of Which in PowerShell
- How to Dot Source in PowerShell
- Generate a GUID
- Recover root password on Ubuntu 18.04
- Disable ipv6 in Ubuntu
- Troubleshoot reverse lookups on Ubuntu 18.04
- Set Default Java Version
- Retrieve Windows product key
- Look up RGB codes with Microsoft Paint
- Command Line Interface to Windows Credential Manager
- Decode Base64 on the Command Line
- Set up Powerline in Windows Terminal
- Add Cmder to Windows Terminal
- Applications Virtual Folder Shortcut
- Using Windows 10 Snip & Sketch
- Add Git Bash to Windows Terminal
- Map WSL Disk as Network Drive
- Browse WSL Files from Windows Explorer
- Set Terminal Starting Directory to WSL Home
- Limit WSL 2 Memory
I "borrowed" this idea from jbranchaud/til.
© 2020 Garve Hays
This repository is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE
for details.