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To install the WooCommerce Glami XML Feed & Pixel plugin, you will first need to start the collaboration from glami’s official site. Then, after you complete the purchase of the plugin by us, you should proceed to the following steps:

Installation and activation

  1. You log in to your website with administrator privileges.
  2. From the control panel select “Plugins” and then “New plugin”.
  3. At the top of the page, next to the title “Add plugin”, select “Upload plugin”.
  4. From the box that will appear, click on “Select File” and in the pop-up window select the .zip file downloaded from our website, at your purchase.
  5. Click on “Open” from the dialog box.
  6. After the file is successfully uploaded, the “Activate” option will be displayed, which you select.

Plugin settings

Next, you will need to configure the plugin appropriately to produce the required XML file. More specifically:

  1. After activation, go to WooComerce Settings and then choose  “Integration”
  2. Then, press GLAMI feed generator + Pixel for settings to be shown.
  3. Τhen, in the first field you will need to fill in the key provided by Glami in order for the Pixel to work.
  4. In the next field, you can choose the Engine  you want from the options included in the list.
  5. In the “Description field”, you choose which of the two description fields provided by WooCommerce for the products, you want to be included in the XML file.
  6. The next option concerns the XML refresh time, to inform Glami about product availability, where you can choose between “Once an hour”, “Twice a day” and “Once a day”. Alternatively, you can set the refresh time from your own cron to the server that serves you, setting it accordingly.
  7. In the “Manufacturer” field, you choose which propertie(s) or classification(s) of your products correspond to the manufacturer’s definition.
  8. The next field, “Size”, refers to properties or classifications corresponding to size values.
  9. Then fill in the size system you use in your online store, eg for the European system, “EU”.
  10. In the “Color” field, you also define the properties or classifications that correspond to the definition of color, if this property exists for some of your products.
  11. Similarly, in the next fields you can optionally state the properties or and classifications corresponding to the relevant information. Indicatively, if you want, you can download the corresponding file with the parameters and filters for Glami, where you will find the price lists for each property.
  12. The field “Gender” refers to one of the elements of Glami XML, the category text, which is defined as the path of each product (eg “ | Women’s clothing and footwear | Women’s clothing | Dresses ”).

If you are asked to show gender in categorytext, you have the option to declare it as a property in this field.

If you want the XML content to be refreshed immediately, click the “Generae feed” button located above the settings fields.

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