IMMA1 example files used for the testing suite of cdm_reader_mapper
In order to add a new dataset to the cdm_reader_mapper
testing data, please ensure you perform the following:
- Create a new branch:
git checkout -b my_new_testdata_branch
- Place your dataset within an appropriate subdirectory (or create a new one:
mkdir testdata_contribution
). - Run the md5 checksum generation script:
- Commit your changes:
git add testdata_contribution && git commit -m "added my_new_testdata"
- Open a Pull Request.
To modify an existing dataset, be sure to remove the existing checksum file before running the
When updating a dataset in cdm-testdata
using a development branch and Pull Request,
once changes have been merged to the main
branch, you should tag a new version of cdm-testdata
The version tag of cdm-testdata
should follow a calendar versioning scheme
(i.e. version string follows from vYYYY.MM.DD-r#
) reflecting the date of the tag creation, with modifiers if required.
encoding with icoads_r300_d721
test data!
This package was build according to xclim-testdata.