This tool runs on any modern browser, which supports websockets. You can use it to publish and subscribe to JSON messages. Very useful for testing and developing applications which use MQTT over websockets.
- Send and receive JSON messages
- Send and receive serialized messages in Avro
- Store and manage messages from publish and subscribe
- Store and manage connection environments
- Subscriptions control and received messages
See it in action at
Open the terminal in root of the project
Install bower dependencies
bower install
Install npm dependencies
npm install
Type gulp to run local Browsersync server
You must connect to MQTT broker which supports websockets. Some public brokers:
- Mosquitto, Host: Port: 443 SSL: true
- Mosquitto, Host: Port: 8080 SSL: false
- HiveMQ, Host: Port: 8000 SSL: false
To publish a message avro:
Topic: your/topic/here
{"name":"Glauber", "age":27}
"name": "UserData",
"type": "record",
"fields": [
{"name":"name", "type":"string"},
{"name":"age", "type":"int"}
To receive the message, you must subscribe with same schema
This project utilizes:
- AngularJS Material - UI Component framework
- MQTT.js - A client library for the MQTT protocol
- Avsc - Pure JavaScript implementation of the Avro specification