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npm install @globallypaid/js-sdk --save
yarn install @globallypaid/js-sdk
<script src=""></script>

You can install SDK using NPM, Yarn or with a script tag.

Note that if you use pre-defined forms they are injected as an iframe. So please be sure to check your CSP (Content Security Policy)


Include the Globallypaid.js script on checkout page of your site—it should preferably be loaded directly from, rather than included in a bundle or hosted yourself.

Using Globallypaid.js as a module

We also provide an NPM package that makes it easier to load and use Globallypaid SDK as a module. Facade class for Globallypaid SDK is GloballyPaidSDK(publishableKey)

We also support the first version (GPG). The facade class is GPGSDK(publishableKey). All the facade methods are the same in both v1 and v2 facades.

Initialize API (V2)

import { GloballypaidGateway } from '@globallypaid/js-sdk';

const gpg = new GloballyPaidSDK('pk_live_...');

Initialize API (V1)

import { GPGSDK } from '@globallypaid/js-sdk';

const gpg = new GPGSDK('pk_live_...');

Globallypaid Forms

Globallypaid Forms are customizable UI components used to collect sensitive information in your payment forms.

Create UI form instance

gpg.createForm(type, options?)

const cardForm = gpg.createForm('card-simple');

This method creates an instance of a specific Form. It takes the type of Form to create as well as an options object.

Parameter Type Description
type string The UI form type to display
options? object A set of options to configure the UI Form

Form types:

Type Description
card-simple Simple card with card number, cvv, expiration date and postal code
card-extended Extended card with user personal and card information

Form with options example

const cardSimpleCustomized = gpg.createForm('card-simple', {
    style: {
        base: {
            width: '560px',
            buttonColor: 'white',
            buttonBackground: '#558b2f',
            inputColor: '#558b2f',
            color: '#558b2f'

Available options:

Option Type Description
style FrameStyle Add custom user styling

FrameStyle type:

Option Type Description
base object Base styling
invalid object Invalid form styling

Base type:

Option Type Example Description
width string '500px' The width of a form (100% by default)
height string '500px' The height of a form (100% by default)
height string '500px' The height of a form (100% by default)
fontFamily string 'Roboto, sans-serif' Font family of a form (Roboto by default)
fontSize string '16px' Font size of a form
inputColor string '#000' Input element color
color string '#fff' Labels color
border string '1px solid green' Sets frame border
background string '#fafafa' Frame background (transparent by default)
buttonBackground string '#fefefe' Submit button background
buttonColor string '#ffffff' Submit button text color

Invalid type:

Option Type Example Description
color string '#fefefe' Error messages text and input border color

Mount form to a DOM node



<div id="gpg-form-container"></div>


const cardSimple = gpg.createForm('card-simple');

Parameter Type Description
nodeId string The id of a container where your Form will be mounted.

The mount(nodeId) method attaches your Form to the DOM. Method accepts the id of an element (e.g., 'gpg-form-container);

You need to create a container DOM element to mount a Form.

Form events

The only way to communicate with your Form is by listening to an event. Forms might emit any of the events below. All events have a payload object that has it's own type.

form.on(eventType, callback, errorCallback?)

Subscribe to token creation event

    (token) => {
        // Do whatever you need with the token.
        // Send a request to yours backend to perform a charge request
    (error) => {
Parameter Type Description
eventType string The name of the event. In this case, 'TOKEN_CREATION'
callback function A callback function that you provide that will be called when the event is fired and the result is successful
errorCallback? function A callback function that you provide that will be called when the event error is fired.
Event Callback payload type Description
TOKEN_CREATION TokenResponse or ErrorResponse Subscribe to a form submission and receive token response in a callback payload.

TokenResponse example (V2)

    "id": "tok_xLS3xebo1kCHMSn-7HO3pg",
    "type": "CreditCard",
    "brand": "Visa",
    "last_four": "1111",
    "expiration": "1234",
    "billing_contact": {
      "first_name": null,
      "last_name": null,
      "address": {
        "line_1": null,
        "line_2": null,
        "city": null,
        "state": null,
        "postal_code": "12345",
        "country": null
      "phone": null,
      "email": null
    "created": "2020-10-16T12:57:49.4026471Z",
    "updated": "2020-10-16T12:57:49.4026471Z"

ErrorResponse example (V2)

    "id": "LuXHMy6_-UuD-gZTP43PRw",
    "response_code": "400",
    "message": "InvalidRequestException: Illegal Card expiration format. Must be MMYY. MM is a month (01-12), YY is a year.",
    "approved": false,
    "completed": "2020-10-29T12:27:46.2514732Z",
    "success": false

TokenResponse example (V1)

    "Token": "4777770000000012",
    "EmployeeID": "123",
    "CCLastFour": "1111",
    "CCFirstFour": "4111",
    "CCBrand": "Visa",
    "ExpirationDate": "1234",
    "FirstName": "FirstName",
    "LastName": "LastName",
    "Address1": "Address1",
    "Address2": "Address2",
    "City": "City",
    "State": "ca",
    "PostalCode": "36576",
    "Country": "USA",
    "Phone": null,
    "Email": null

ErrorResponse example (V1)

    "Result": "ERROR",
    "ErrorCode": "400",
    "ErrorMessage": "Invalid cardholder data"

Show success form state


Show success state of a form.

Success state example


Show error form state


Show error message under the submit button.

Failed state example

cardSimple.showError('Transaction failed');

Reset form


Reset a form to its default state.

Reset form example


Unmount Form from the DOM


Removes Form from the DOM if it is mounted.

Unmount example


Custom payment form

There is a possibility to tokenize card without using pre-defined Globallypaid UI forms. SDK provides a function to tokenize input card.

Create token explicitly (V2)

gpg.createToken(cardNumber, cvv, expiration, zipCode).then(response => {
    // Do whatever you need with the token.
    // Send a request to yours backend to perform a charge request
}).catch(error => {

gpg.createToken(cardNumber, cvv, expiration, zipCode)

This method returns a Promise with the TokenResponse

Parameter Type Description
cardNumber string Card number (e.g. 4111111111111111)
cvv string Card CVV (e.g. 123)
expiration string Card expiration date MMYY (e.g. 1224)
zipCode string Zip code (e.g. 12345)

Create token explicitly (V1)

const tokenRequestPayload = {
    Payload: "4111111111111111",
    Expiration: "1234",
    CVV: "1234",
    FirstName: "efsf",
    LastName: "wefwe",
    Address1: "fdsdgfg",
    Address2: "123",
    City: "fghfphlko",
    State: "ca",
    PostalCode: "36576",
    Country: "USA",
    Phone: "1234256545",
    Email: "[email protected]"

gpg.createToken(tokenRequestPayload).then(response => {
    // Do whatever you need with the token.
    // Send a request to yours backend to perform a charge request
}).catch(error => {


This method returns a Promise with the TokenResponseV1

Parameter Type Description
tokenRequestPayload TokenRequestV1 See the full example in the code sample


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