Releases: glyptodon/guacamole-auth-restrict
Minor patch release which corrects an issue where the extension would not load if the version of Apache Guacamole in use did not bundle Google Guava. The extension now bundles Guava itself.
This release adds a new restriction which restricts concurrent access, and allows all restrictions to be applied directly to users via user attributes. Multiple user groups may also be associated with the available restrictions via new properties that accept a comma-delimited list of group names.
This initial release of guacamole-auth-restrict is compatible with the Apache Guacamole 1.0.0 extension API, and is thus compatible with any Apache Guacamole 1.x release, including the release forming the basis of Glyptodon Enterprise 2.x.
This release supports one restriction, forcing read-only access, and applies that restriction based on group membership.