Example to show how to use react-navigation3 https://reactnavigation.org/ in ClojureScript.
React Navigation (https://reactnavigation.org/) has few code examples which are written in Java Script.
react-navigation-clojurescript-example contains ClojureScript examples same as JS examples and this will help you get started with react-navigation.
- on master branch it contains example of tab navigator
- on stack navigator branch it contains example of stack navigator
This example uses re-natal.
Apparently react-navigation3 has few changes than previous version.
- yarn
- leiningen
- re-natal & react-native-cli (npm install -g re-natal react-native-cli)
into the directory
cd react-navigation-clojurescript-example
re-natal use-component react-native
re-natal use-component react-navigation
re-natal use-component react-native-gesture-handler
re-natal use-android-device avd (if you are using android simulator)
re-natal use-figwheel
lein figwheel android
Open another tab
react-native link react-native-gesture-handler
react-native run-android
Test with IOS
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