GoSmart Simulation Server on Ubuntu (Build and Installation)
- Required OS: a. Ubuntu 14.04. Ubuntu 16.04 has issue with a few coding b. Git should be installed on the machine
- Open a terminal: Ctrl + Alt + T
- Type the following commands in the terminal
cd ~/
mkdir Code
cd Code
git clone https://github.com/go-smart/gosmart-downloader.git
./GoSmartBuilder.sh PreInstall > outputInstall.log
./GoSmartBuilder.sh MakeDirectory /path/to/Build/Directory /path/to/Install/Directory
./GoSmartBuilder.sh BuildRequired /path/to/Build/Directory /path/to/Install/Directory ~/Code/GoSmart > outputBuild.log
- The above yellow highlighted scripts can also be simply replaced using the following single command (replace BuildRequired by All)
./GoSmartBuilder.sh All /path/to/Build/Directory /path/to/Install/Directory ~/Code/GoSmart > outputInstallBuild.log
It should install everything. Check the output**.log file for any errors while installing and building. If there are any errors, please try to fix the errors manually.
- Mostly no errors will occur, unless you change BuildRequired to BuildAll
- Also, if the path of the libraries are not correct, errors may occur
- If you use BuildAll, instead of BuildRequired, you may get errors in meshercgal or gssf building if vtk5.8 libraries are used. These two errors can be corrected by install vtk-5.10. Note that, if you use vtk6-dev, you will get again errors in few places.
GoSmart Simulation Server on Ubuntu (Starting the Server, Client and Crossbar)
- In the terminal, go to the directory gosmart-downloader (should be in same directory if no errors in the previous steps)
- Type the following two commands
./GoSmartInit.sh ~/Code/GoSmart
./GoSmartStart.sh ~/Code/GoSmart
- Your terminal should launch a few servers after pulling all the docker containers. In case of any errors in
./GoSmartInit.sh ~/Code/GoSmart
, you should execute each commands in the file./GoSmartInit.sh
manually - The final terminal should look as follows:
- If there are any error in the above, then you should fix the error manually
- Report errors in github issues