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Repository files navigation

Content File Name Format


  • Spaces
  • Brackets
  • Uppercase
  • Underscores

Standardise :

  • Lower case only
  • Use letters, numbers and dashes only

Example collections:


Example post (posts require date prefix):


Post Excerpt

The blog post cards display the first paragraph of the posts content as excerpt. Alternatively you can define a custom excerpt in the post front matter:

excerpt: Some custom excerpt text

Post Image Overlay

Overlay color can be overridden in the post front matter:

Semi-transparent overlay using RGBA color:

image_overlay: "rgba(255,255,255,0.7)"

Or set full color background when not using an image:

image_overlay: "#19B037"

Page Alert

Display a page alert (abover navigation) on any page by using the following front matter:

  content: "[Help us to improve GOAT by participating in this survey]("

Content includes

Mark text

Emphasis, aka italics, restyled to mark some text in content, use *asterisks* or _underscores_.

Image sources

All images are located in /uploads/ folder, this location reference can be changed in _config.yml:

uploads: /uploads/

Upload images to /uploads/ directory or it's subfolders eg /uploads/blog/.

All images accros the theme (logo, content, authors, headers) can be set either as full external URL that includes http:


or local image located directly in /uploads/ folder or it's subfolders:

image: some-image.jpg
image: blog/some-image.jpg

Image Include

Use the following include to add an image to a page:

{% include image.html src="alexander.jpg" alt="Alt for image" %}


Attribute Description Choices
src Image file source image file name, upload the image to /uploads/ directory or external image URL
alt Image alt text string
align Align within text left, right
caption Image caption string
lightbox Display image in popup lightbox on a click true
maxwidth Maximum image width px
maxheight Maximum image height px

Responsive Videos

Add the data-uk-responsive attribute to iframe tag to make the video responsive, example:

<iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src="" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen data-uk-responsive width="1920" height="1080"></iframe>

Note: the iframe must have width and height specified for the responsiveness to work.

Alerts Include

Add alerts to content using the following include:

{% include alert.html style="primary" text="Cras at dolor eget urna varius faucibus tempus in elit." %}


Attribute Description Choices
text Alert text string
style Alert style primary, success, warning, danger, leave blank for default

Label Include

Add labels to content using the following include:

{% include label.html text="Success" style="success" %}


Attribute Description Choices
text Label text string
style Label style success, warning, danger, leave blank for primary

Button Include

Add buttons to content using the following include:

{% include button.html text="Button text" url="#" style="primary" size="xlarge" width="full" %}


Attribute Description Choices
text Button text string
url Button url page permalink or full URL
style Button style default, primary, success, warning, danger, primary-outline, success-outline, warning-outline, danger-outline, custom hex or rgb color value
size Button size small, large, xlarge, leave blank for default size
width Button will take up full width full

Scroll to Top Include

Add scroll to top icon to content using the following include:

{% include totop.html %}


For general markdown syntax see Cheatsheet.

Team Members / Authors

Add/edit team authors info in `data/authors.yml:

pajares:                # Author handle that is referenced in post front matter
  name:                 Elias Pajares
    en:                 Chair for Urban Structure and Transport Planning    
    de:                 Chair for Urban Structure and Transport Planning
    en:                 En Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry
    de:                 De Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry
  url:                  # website url
  github:               ""

Assign single or multiple authors to a blog post in the from matter:

Single author:

title:  "Major extensions are coming"
author: [pajares]

Multiple authors:

title:  "Major extensions are coming"
author: [pajares, jehle, hassine]


Theme Strings

Theme strings can be translated in _data/translation.yml:

  previous:                   "Previous"
  next:                       "Next"
  related_posts:              "Related Posts"
  menu:                       "Menu"
  navigate_docs:              "Navigate Documentation"
  recent_posts:               "Recent Posts"

  previous:                   "Previous"
  next:                       "Next"
  related_posts:              "Related Posts"
  menu:                       "Menu"
  navigate_docs:              "Navigate Documentation"
  recent_posts:               "Recent Posts"


Header, footer and mobile navigation strings can be translated in the following files:



- title: 
    en: GOAT
    de: GOAT
  url: versions/

- title: 
    en: Quickstart
    de: Quickstart
  url: videos/


Create English pages in theme root folder with the following example front matter:

title: Imprint & Privacy
width: small
lang: en

The page width can accept the following options: full | small| xsmall.

German languages pages are loacated in /de/ folder with the following example front matter:

title: Imprint & Privacy
width: small
lang: de

Docs Posts

Both English and German docs posts are located in _docs/ folder.

Example English doc front matter:

title: What is GOAT?
permalink: /docs/about/
lang: en

Example German doc front matter:

title: What is GOAT?
permalink: /de/docs/about/
lang: de

Blog Posts

English blog posts are located in _posts/ folder, German blog posts are located in /de/_posts/ folder.

Example English post front matter:

title:  "Development path of GOAT"
author: [pajares]
lang: en
tags: [en]
categories: [news]

Example German post front matter:

title:  "Development path of GOAT"
permalink: /de/goat-goes-public/
author: [pajares]
lang: de
tags: [de]
categories: [news]

Categories eg categories: [news, updates] are required for displaying related posts on single post page.

German post requires a permalink with a /de/ prefix. Both lang and tag values are required.

Setting multiple posts authors:

author: [pajares, jehle, hassine]

Video Posts

Both English and German video posts are located in _videos folder.

Example English video post front matter:

title: Comparison population density and walkability
image: videos/walkability_population_heatmap.png
vimeo: 370376888 
lang: en

Example German video post front matter:

title: Comparison population density and walkability
image: videos/walkability_population_heatmap.png
vimeo: 370376888
lang: de

The vimeo: 370376888 variable requires Vimeo video ID.


To modify the primary color, open /_sass/theme/variables.scss and replace the color values e.g.:

$global-primary-background:                   #05c896;

Further style customization can be done in the following files:



Build process

Install UIkit font end framework dependency via Npm:

npm install

Enable live browser reload with the following:

bundle install && bundle exec jekyll s --livereload

Use the following commands to compile js scripts:

npm run dev

Compile and minify:

npm run build


There are two hook include files that simplify adding content or scripts in the theme locations:

  • _includes/hook-head.html
  • _includes/hook-pre-closing-body.html


No description, website, or topics provided.


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