- Spaces
- Brackets
- Uppercase
- Underscores
Standardise :
- Lower case only
- Use letters, numbers and dashes only
Example collections:
Example post (posts require date prefix):
The blog post cards display the first paragraph of the posts content as excerpt. Alternatively you can define a custom excerpt in the post front matter:
excerpt: Some custom excerpt text
Overlay color can be overridden in the post front matter:
Semi-transparent overlay using RGBA color:
image_overlay: "rgba(255,255,255,0.7)"
Or set full color background when not using an image:
image_overlay: "#19B037"
Display a page alert (abover navigation) on any page by using the following front matter:
content: "[Help us to improve GOAT by participating in this survey](https://www.umfrage.sv.bgu.tum.de/index.php/837925?lang=en)"
Emphasis, aka italics, restyled to mark some text in content, use *asterisks*
or _underscores_
All images are located in /uploads/
folder, this location reference can be changed in _config.yml
uploads: /uploads/
Upload images to /uploads/
directory or it's subfolders eg /uploads/blog/
All images accros the theme (logo, content, authors, headers) can be set either as full external URL that includes http
image: https://website.com/someimage.jpg
or local image located directly in /uploads/
folder or it's subfolders:
image: some-image.jpg
image: blog/some-image.jpg
Use the following include to add an image to a page:
{% include image.html src="alexander.jpg" alt="Alt for image" %}
Attribute | Description | Choices |
src | Image file source | image file name, upload the image to /uploads/ directory or external image URL |
alt | Image alt text | string |
align | Align within text | left, right |
caption | Image caption | string |
lightbox | Display image in popup lightbox on a click | true |
maxwidth | Maximum image width | px |
maxheight | Maximum image height | px |
Add the data-uk-responsive
attribute to iframe
tag to make the video responsive, example:
<iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/333129999" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen data-uk-responsive width="1920" height="1080"></iframe>
Note: the iframe must have width
and height
specified for the responsiveness to work.
Add alerts to content using the following include:
{% include alert.html style="primary" text="Cras at dolor eget urna varius faucibus tempus in elit." %}
Attribute | Description | Choices |
text | Alert text | string |
style | Alert style | primary, success, warning, danger, leave blank for default |
Add labels to content using the following include:
{% include label.html text="Success" style="success" %}
Attribute | Description | Choices |
text | Label text | string |
style | Label style | success, warning, danger, leave blank for primary |
Add buttons to content using the following include:
{% include button.html text="Button text" url="#" style="primary" size="xlarge" width="full" %}
Attribute | Description | Choices |
text | Button text | string |
url | Button url | page permalink or full URL |
style | Button style | default, primary, success, warning, danger, primary-outline, success-outline, warning-outline, danger-outline, custom hex or rgb color value |
size | Button size | small, large, xlarge, leave blank for default size |
width | Button will take up full width | full |
Add scroll to top icon to content using the following include:
{% include totop.html %}
For general markdown syntax see Cheatsheet.
Add/edit team authors info in `data/authors.yml:
pajares: # Author handle that is referenced in post front matter
name: Elias Pajares
avatar: https://via.placeholder.com/380
en: Chair for Urban Structure and Transport Planning
de: Chair for Urban Structure and Transport Planning
avatar: https://via.placeholder.com/380
en: En Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry
de: De Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry
url: # website url
github: "https://github.com/username"
Assign single or multiple authors to a blog post in the from matter:
Single author:
title: "Major extensions are coming"
author: [pajares]
Multiple authors:
title: "Major extensions are coming"
author: [pajares, jehle, hassine]
Theme strings can be translated in _data/translation.yml
previous: "Previous"
next: "Next"
related_posts: "Related Posts"
menu: "Menu"
navigate_docs: "Navigate Documentation"
recent_posts: "Recent Posts"
previous: "Previous"
next: "Next"
related_posts: "Related Posts"
menu: "Menu"
navigate_docs: "Navigate Documentation"
recent_posts: "Recent Posts"
Header, footer and mobile navigation strings can be translated in the following files:
- title:
en: GOAT
de: GOAT
url: versions/
- title:
en: Quickstart
de: Quickstart
url: videos/
Create English pages in theme root folder with the following example front matter:
title: Imprint & Privacy
width: small
lang: en
The page width can accept the following options: full | small| xsmall
German languages pages are loacated in /de/
folder with the following example front matter:
title: Imprint & Privacy
width: small
lang: de
Both English and German docs posts are located in _docs/
Example English doc front matter:
title: What is GOAT?
permalink: /docs/about/
lang: en
Example German doc front matter:
title: What is GOAT?
permalink: /de/docs/about/
lang: de
English blog posts are located in _posts/
folder, German blog posts are located in /de/_posts/
Example English post front matter:
title: "Development path of GOAT"
author: [pajares]
lang: en
tags: [en]
categories: [news]
Example German post front matter:
title: "Development path of GOAT"
permalink: /de/goat-goes-public/
author: [pajares]
lang: de
tags: [de]
categories: [news]
Categories eg categories: [news, updates]
are required for displaying related posts on single post page.
German post requires a permalink with a /de/
prefix. Both lang
and tag
values are required.
Setting multiple posts authors:
author: [pajares, jehle, hassine]
Both English and German video posts are located in _videos
Example English video post front matter:
title: Comparison population density and walkability
image: videos/walkability_population_heatmap.png
vimeo: 370376888
lang: en
Example German video post front matter:
title: Comparison population density and walkability
image: videos/walkability_population_heatmap.png
vimeo: 370376888
lang: de
The vimeo: 370376888
variable requires Vimeo video ID.
To modify the primary color, open /_sass/theme/variables.scss
and replace the color values e.g.:
$global-primary-background: #05c896;
Further style customization can be done in the following files:
Install UIkit font end framework dependency via Npm:
npm install
Enable live browser reload with the following:
bundle install && bundle exec jekyll s --livereload
Use the following commands to compile js scripts:
npm run dev
Compile and minify:
npm run build
There are two hook include files that simplify adding content or scripts in the theme locations: