PerimeterX Ruby SDK
Latest stable version: v2.2.1
- Configuring Required Parameters
- Blocking Score
- Custom Verification Action
- Custom Block Page
- Extracting Real IP Address
- Custom URI
- Filter Sensitive Headers
- API Timeouts
- Send Page Activities
- Additional Page Activity Handler
- Monitor Only
- Debug Mode
- Whitelist Routes
- Update Configuration on Runtime
- First Party
- Ruby version 2.3+
- Rails version 4.2
- concurrent-ruby
- typhoeus
- mustache
Install it through command line gem install perimeter_x
Create a configuration file at <rails_app>/config/initializers/perimeterx.rb
and initialize PerimeterX instance on the rails application startup
params = {
:app_id => "APP_ID",
:cookie_key => "COOKIE_KEY",
:auth_token => "AUTH_TOKEN"
On the Rails controller include the PerimeterX SDK via the before_action and call PerimterX middleware function.
class HomeController < ApplicationController
include PxModule
before_action :px_verify_request
Configuring Required Parameters
Configuration options are set on the params
variable on the initializer file.
All parameters are obtainable via the PerimeterX Portal. (Applications and Policies pages)
Changing the Minimum Score for Blocking
Note: Default blocking value: 100
params = {
:blocking_score => 100
Note: This handler replaces the now deprecated
A custom verification handler is being executed inside px_verify_request
instead of the the default behavior and allows a user to use a custom action based on the risk score returned by PerimeterX.
When implemented, this method receives a hash variable as input which represents data from the PerimeterX context of the request (px_ctx).
- contains the risk scorepx_ctx.context[:uuid]
- contains the request UUIDpx_ctx.context[:verified]
- contains indication whether the request passed verification or was blocked (inspectpx_ctx.context[:block_reason]
for block reason)
Note: to determine whether to return a captcha/block page (HTML) or block JSON payload a reference key on the context will be available:
To replace the default verification behavior, add the configuration a lambda member as shown in the example below.
params = {
:app_id => <APP_ID>,
:auth_token => <AUTH_TOKEN>,
:custom_verification_handler => -> (px_ctx) {
if px_ctx.context[:score] >= 60
# take your action and render an html page or JSON with applicable status code.
render json: { :score => px_ctx.context[:score] }
Note: Unlike previous versions, the method no longer needs to return a boolean value.
params = {
:app_id => <APP_ID>,
:auth_token => <AUTH_TOKEN>,
:custom_verification_handler => -> (px_ctx) {
block_score = px_ctx.context[:score];
client_uuid = px_ctx.context[:uuid];
full_url = px_ctx.context[:full_url];
html = "<html>
<div>Access to #{full_url} has been blocked.</div>
<div>Block reference - #{client_uuid} </div>
<div>Block score - #{block_score} </div>
response.headers["Content-Type"] = "text/html"
response.status = 403
render :html => html
Note: IP extraction, according to your network setup, is very important. It is common to have a load balancer/proxy on top of your applications, in which case the PerimeterX module will send the system's internal IP as the user's. In order to properly perform processing and detection on server-to-server calls, PerimeterX module needs the real user's IP.
By default the clients IP is taken from the REMOTE_ADDR
header, in case the user decides to use different header or custom function that extract the header the following key should be added to the configuration
Custom header
configuration = {
"app_id" => <APP_ID>,
"auth_token" => <AUTH_TOKEN>,
"custom_user_ip" => <HTTP_HEADER_NAME>,
Custom Function
Note: the function receive as a first parameter the controller request and must return the ip at the end as string
configuration = {
"app_id" => <APP_ID>,
"auth_token" => <AUTH_TOKEN>,
"custom_user_ip_method" => -> (req) {
# Method body
return ""
Customizing Default Block Pages
Adding a custom logo to the blocking page is by providing the params
a key custom_logo
, the logo will be displayed at the top div of the the block page The logo's max-heigh
property would be 150px
and width would be set to auto
The key custom_logo expects a valid URL address such as
params = [
:app_id => 'APP_ID',
:cookie_key => 'COOKIE_SECRET',
:auth_token => 'AUTH_TOKEN',
:custom_logo => 'LOGO_URL'
Custom JS/CSS
The block page can be modified with a custom CSS by adding to the params
the key css_ref
and providing a valid URL to the css In addition there is also the option to add a custom JS file by adding js_ref
key to the pxConfig and providing the JS file that will be loaded with the block page, this key also expects a valid URL
params = [
:app_id => 'APP_ID',
:cookie_key => 'COOKIE_SECRET',
:auth_token => 'AUTH_TOKEN',
:css_ref => 'CSS',
:js_ref => 'JS'
Note: Custom logo/js/css can be added together
No Blocking, Monitor Only Default mode: PxModule::ACTIVE_MODE
PxModule::ACTIVE_MODE - Module blocks users crossing the predefined block threshold. Server-to-server requests are sent synchronously.
PxModule::$MONITOR_MODE - Module does not block users crossing the predefined block threshold. The
function will be eval'd in case one is supplied, upon crossing the defined block threshold.
params[:module_mode] = PxModule::MONITOR_MODE
Default: 'REQUEST_URI'
The URI can be returned to the PerimeterX module, using a custom user function, defined on the params
params[:custom_uri] = -> (request) {
return request.headers['HTTP_X_CUSTOM_URI']
Filter sensitive headers
A list of sensitive headers can be configured to prevent specific headers from being sent to PerimeterX servers (lower case header names). Filtering cookie headers for privacy is set by default, and can be overridden on the params
Default: cookie, cookies
params[:sensitive_headers] = ['cookie', 'cookies', 'secret-header']
Note: Controls the timeouts for PerimeterX requests. The API is called when a Risk Cookie does not exist, or is expired or invalid
The API Timeout, in seconds (int), to wait for the PerimeterX server API response.
Default: 1
params[:api_timeout] = 4
Send Page Activities Default: true A boolean flag to enable or disable sending of activities and metrics to PerimeterX on each page request. Enabling this feature will provide data that populates the PerimeterX portal with valuable information, such as the amount of requests blocked and additional API usage statistics.
params[:send_page_activities] = false
Additional Page Activity Handler
Adding an additional activity handler is done by setting additional_activity_handler
with a user defined function on the params
variable. The additional_activity_handler
function will be executed before sending the data to the PerimeterX portal.
Default: Only send activity to PerimeterX as controlled by params
params[:additional_activity_handler] = -> (activity_type, px_ctx, details){
// user defined logic comes here
Enables debug logging mode to STDOUT
params[:debug] = true
An array of route prefixes and/or regular expressions that are always whitelisted and not validated by PerimeterX. A string value of a path will be treated as a prefix. A regexp value of a path will be treated as is.
params[:whitelist_routes] = ["/example", /\A\/example\z/]
Update Configuration on Runtime
As mentioned before, PerimeterX Module should be configured in <rails_app>/config/initializers/perimeterx.rb
However, it is possible to override configuration options on each request.
To do so, send the configuration options as an argument when calling to px_verify_request
as described in the following example.
Notice that in case of an invalid argument, the module will raise an error. Therefore, when using this feature, make sure to wrap the call to px_verify_request
with begin and rescue. It is highly recommended to log the error message to follow such errors.
Usage example:
class HomeController < ApplicationController
include PxModule
before_action do call_perimeterx_verify_request end
def call_perimeterx_verify_request
params = {
:blocking_score => 70,
:module_mode => 2
rescue StandardError => e
# $stdout.write(e.message)
To enable first party on your enforcer, add the following routes to your config/routes.rb
get '/:appid_postfix/init.js', to: 'home#index', constraints: { appid_postfix: /XXXXXXXX/ }
get '/:appid_postfix/captcha/:all', to: 'home#index', constraints: { appid_postfix: /XXXXXXXX/, all:/.*/ }
post '/:appid_postfix/xhr/:all', to: 'home#index', constraints: { appid_postfix: /XXXXXXXX/, all:/.*/ }
Notice that all occurences of XXXXXXXX
should be replaced with your px_app_id without the "PX" prefix. For example, if your px_app_id is PX2H4seK9L
, replace XXXXXXXX
with 2H4seK9L
In case you are using more than one px_app_id, provide all of them with a |
sign between them. For example: 2H4seK9L|9bMs6K94|Lc5kPMNx
First Party configuration:
Default: true
params[:first_party_enabled] = false
The following steps are welcome when contributing to our project. ###Fork/Clone First and foremost, Create a fork of the repository, and clone it locally. Create a branch on your fork, preferably using a self descriptive branch name.
###Code/Run Help improve our project by implementing missing features, adding capabilities or fixing bugs.
To run the code, simply follow the steps in the installation guide. Grab the keys from the PerimeterX Portal, and try refreshing your page several times continously. If no default behaviours have been overriden, you should see the PerimeterX block page. Solve the CAPTCHA to clean yourself and start fresh again.