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This project is a Zenoss extension (ZenPack) that allows for monitoring of Trango M-900S Access Points and Subscriber Units.

This ZenPack is known to be compatible with Zenoss version 3.2.1.

You must first have, or install, Zenoss 3.2.1. Core and Enterprise versions are supported. You can download the free Core version of Zenoss from .

Depending on what version of Zenoss you're running you will need a different package. Download the appropriate package for your Zenoss version from the list below.

Then copy it to your Zenoss server and run the following commands as the zenoss user:

zenpack --install <package.egg>
zenoss restart

If you wish to further develop and possibly contribute back you should clone the git repository, then install the ZenPack in developer mode using the following commands:

git clone git://
zenpack --link --install ZenPacks.BCN.Trango
zenoss restart

Installing the ZenPack will add the following objects to your Zenoss system.

  • Device Classes
    • /Devices/Network/Wireless/Trango/M900S-AP
  • Monitoring Templates
    • TrangoAccessPointEthernet in /Network/Wireless/Trango/M900S-AP
    • TrangoAccessPointRadio in /Network/Wireless/Trango/M900S-AP
    • TrangoSubscriberUnit in /Network/Wireless/Trango/M900S-AP
  • Event Classes (each with transforms)
    • /Perf/TrangoAccessPoint
    • /Perf/TrangoSubscriberUnit
    • /Status/TrangoSubscriberUnit
    • /Status/TrangoSubscriberUnit/instances/suLinkDown
    • /Status/TrangoSubscriberUnit/instances/suLinkUp
  • MIBs
    • /mibs/TRANGOM900S-MIB
    • /mibs/TRANGOM900S-FIX-MIB

A tab called "Access Point Details" is added to APs to display their BaseID, Antenna, Channel and Frequency Table.

As the Trango Access Points lack support for IEEE interface tables, this script includes an interface modeler script that maps the primary Ethernet and Radio interfaces into the existing os.interfaces for the device in Zenoss.

The following graphs are included:

  • Ethernet Interface - Throughput graph
    • Standard throughput graph with Inbound and Outbound from the perspective of the Ethernet interface
  • Radio Interface - Packets Graph
    • Indicates Packets per second inbound/outbound/dropped from the perspective of the Radio interface on the AP
  • Radio Interface - SU Count
    • GAUGE graph displays the current SU count on the AP as well as a threshold for high su count
  • Radio Interface - Signal - RSSI
    • Signal graph includes Rx Threshold and Target RSSI
  • Radio Interface - Signal - Transmit Power
    • Signal graph includes Power Max/Min/Current

The plugin adds a "Trango Subscriber Units" component type under Components for devices in the M900S-AP class. The following fields are provided:

  • Events - Shows active events for the SU
  • SUID - An integer containing the SUID number of the SU
  • Remarks - A string to describe the SU - set on the SU manually
  • SU Management IP - IP address for the SU's management interface
  • SU Device ID - MAC address for the SU
  • CIR up/down - Committed Information Rate Up/Down in kbit/sec
  • MIR up/down - Maximum Information Rate Up/Down in kbit/sec
  • Distance - Estimated distance in miles, calculated by AP
  • Status - Custom status field for Up/Down status of SU
  • Monitored - true/false to enable/disable monitoring
  • Locking - component locking settings

The following graphs are provided for the Subscriber Units:

  • Throughput
    • Displays the current SU traffic. On the SU itself, due to the fact that the SU measures traffic from the POV of the Ethernet interface, the inbound counters represent the outbound traffic and the outbound counters represent the inbound traffic; as a result, to make the graph more understandable, the graph itself has been inverted. Therefore, the Inbound graph correctly represents the AP-SU traffic and the Outbound graph correctly represents the SU-AP traffic.
    • Includes high utilization outbound and inbound thresholds based on MIR.
  • Packets
    • Displays the current packets/sec Inbound and Outbound on the SU
  • Errors
    • RF Dropped Packets, RF Retries at AP/SU, RF Retry maxed out at AP/SU
  • Signal - RSSI
    • RSSI at AP (dBm), RSSI at SU (dBm)
  • Signal - Transmit Power
    • Transmit Power at SU (dB)

Status monitoring for subscriber stations is also provided. Active polling is carried out, in addition to SNMP traps. A custom "Status" field was used for the status indicator rather than built-in status field due to the fact that the built in field uses events to determine up/down status.

The event transforms handle the various up/down states as well as signal level. If an SU goes up or down, the transforms will change the status attribute in the DMD for the SU and then commit the change. To prevent all of the "customer is offline" events from filling up the event console and making the device yellow, the transforms are configured to drop any event where the suRemarks of the corresponding Subscriber Unit does not start with "vip-". In this way, you can receive events for VIP customers without events being created for non-VIP customers. Up/Down status is handled before the event is dropped, for non-VIP SU's, ensuring that the Status attribute is set correctly before the event is deleted.

Some Trango M900S-AP units will use the wrong trap OID for some suLinkUp and suLinkDown traps. To correct for this, an extra fake MIB has been included to map these two trap OIDs to the existing suLinkup and suLinkDown transforms.

Trango Access Points do not store the Remarks, IP address and SU Distance in memory when the subscriber is disconnected. This led to an issue where a previously modeled subscriber's Remarks, IP address and Distance would disappear if the subscriber happened to be offline during a modeling cycle. The Remarks, IP address and distance would only reappear the next time a modeling cycle coincided with the subscriber being online. To work around this issue, this ZenPack is designed to read the prevous data from the DMD for customers who are offline during a model but previously modeled successfully. An unavailable message is substituted for customers who have never been modeled while they were online.

Automatic sorting of the list of Subscriber Units by SUID number is not working. Alphabetical sort is occuring, leading to wrong sorting. Clicking on the column header for SUID after opening the list causes it to sort correctly and can be used as a workaround until the cause of this issue is determined.

Special thanks to Jane Curry.

  • Access Point Monitoring and Ethernet Graph
  • Access Point Radio Graphs
  • Subscriber Unit Monitoring
  • Subscriber Unit Graphs


Trango M900S-AP ZenPack for Zenoss







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