What's New:
- Redesigned the Mini Player layout for a sleeker look.
- Enhanced Playlist Header and Popup Menu styling.
- Updated Now Playing Page button sizes and added a down icon for navigation.
- Introduced a new Carousel for playlist and artist recommendations.
- Improved the Bottom Sheet options bars and overall UI.
- Adjusted shadows for Cards and standardized padding across bars.
- Refined Song Bar and made minor color adjustments.
- Enhanced Playlist Management: Improved adding/removing songs and syncing user playlists.
- Recommendations Update: Now displays 8 playlists and artists instead of 5.
- Added support for an additional lyrics source.
- Improved English localizations for various UI elements and actions.
- Fixed Like Button functionality in playlists.
- Corrected layout issues
- Fixed playlist duplication and improved database album management.
- Refactored various components, including Playback Button, Library Page, and Bottom Sheet Bar, for cleaner and more efficient code.
- Added a sync button for playlists.
- Minor cleanups and optimizations across the project.