Version 0.9.1
- Small optimization.
- Code Refactoring.
Changed serialization TTL and Date / Time. This version is not compatible with previous versions. Is necessary to empty database (used to save cache items) and reboot your Redis Server instance.
What changed?
It is changed format serialization of TTL and Date / Time of items.
- Old format TTL serialization was: hhmmss. Sample: 002000 == 20 minutes.
- New format TTL serialization is: total seconds. Sample: 1200 == 20 minutes.
- Old format Date/Time serialization was: yyyyMMddThhmmss. Sample: 20140120T010203
- New format Date/Time serialization was: yyMMddThhmmss. Sample: 140120T010203
This format is shorter and more compatible between Python and C#.