Version 1.0.1
A php based webservice for GPS tracking with Google Maps integration
Uses Bootstrap to display the Admin pages:
Get a Google Maps API Key:
- Stores gps coordinates in a MySQL database, generates xml, and draws markers on to a Google Maps map.
- Draw Paths on the map using the gps entries
- Paths can be colored
- Entries can be linked to paths, to a device, and a device to an owner
- Multiple gps entry types with custom icons
- Edit markers on the map view by dragging to new locations
- Shows marker name and comment in small dialog on map view
- Can have multiple users to admin the system
- Users can easily add new gps points either through the admin interface or using any external client capable of making HTTP GET requests.
- On Android, it is simple to create a task using the app Tasker to generate the requests as desired.
- To embed on a webpage: <iframe src="view.php" height="520" width="520" seamless></iframe>
- phpGPS_Settings.php - Settings File
- generateXML.php - Generates xml for use by google maps
- view.php - Displays the map with markers, embeddedable in an iframe
- php 5
- Webserver
- Extract php files to webhost
- Download bootstrap and extract to phpGPS/bootstrap
- Create Database for use by phpGPS
- Enter database settings and other config in phpGPS_Settings.php
- Open phpGPS/install/install.php in browser to create the necessary tables
- Delete the install folder on webhost
- Login as user admin/admin and change the default admin pass
- Set up owners, devices, paths, etc as desired and start creating markers