A service for projecting the health of a system onto something where change is easily recognised: art.
The environment variable PICTURES_URL
will have to be set to a URL
containing a list of pictures that can be used.
export PICTURES_URL=https://gist.githubusercontent.com/tgk/9562a094037361978c6382bd06d405e1/raw/3ec3872618685a5f1bcd6b07b9ef7b0fe5f91767/gistfile1.txt
We also need to configure a backend by setting MONITOR_MODE
to either
or http-endpoint
. The two modes work as follows:
mode periodically requests a given HTTP endpoint and inspects the raw text. If the text changes, a different picture is viewed.cloudwatch
collects all alarms from Cloudwatch and extracts alarm ARN, name, and current state. If any of this information changes a different picture is viewed.
For http-endpoint
we also need to specify the endpoint:
export MONITOR_MODE=http-endpoint
export HTTP_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:1234/
For cloudwatch
we also need to specify a region
export MONITOR_MODE=cloudwatch
export CLOUDWATCH_AWS_REGION=eu-central-1
comes with default options which can get you started when in
development mode.
That server can be run using the lein plugin
lein ring server
by building a war and dropping it into a container
lein ring uberwar
or by calling (user/reset)
(in dev environments).
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Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.