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UINavWidget Events Properties

Gonçalo Marques edited this page May 31, 2023 · 1 revision


  • GoToWidget, GoToBuiltWidget


  • OnNavigate - This event is called whenever the player navigates from one UINavComponent to another. It receives a reference to the Component being navigated from, and the component being navigated to. Keep in mind that the component being navigated from can be null, in case it's the first component being navigated to, and the component being navigated to can also be null, in case navigation moved outside this widget. You should use this event instead of the Hover/Unhover events!
  • OnSelect, OnStartSelect, OnStopSelect - These events are equivalent to OnClicked, OnPressed and OnReleased respectively, expect they're called on the UINavWidget with a reference to the UINavComponent that was clicked/pressed/selected. Both OnSelect, OnClicked and their respective variants are called when using mouse, keyboard or gamepad.
  • OnNext, OnPrevious - These events are called when the player uses the Next or Previous input actions. They are useful when navigating between sections of a menu.
  • OnReturn - This event gets called when the players uses the Back action. Its default behavior is calling ReturnToParent


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