Start a program as daemon service. for linux & mac , if you don't want to write complex systemd service file.
Will be good when use this tool together with @reboot command in crontab :) .
dstart -h
dstart --help
dstart [options] executable [params...]
Usage of ./dstart:
-env value
-env key=value [-env key=value ...] (default array flags.)
-err string
-err error_output_file (currently overwriten file not create a new one)
-etoo : redirect error output to standard output
-in string
-in input_file
-out string
-out output_file (currently overwriten file not create a new one)
-u string
-u username
-wd string
-wd working_directory
./dstart -c config.toml
Note: The config file can be either found in working directory or application file directory.
See config.toml.example file for config example
./dstart -in ~/input_file -out ~/output_file -wd /usr/bin tail