First get dependencies and build everything. (Everything. Contracts, generated files, then finally the typescript itself.)
yarn && yarn build
Now if you want to, run all the tests:
yarn test
Want to test deploying? First start a local ethereum node:
yarn smart ethereumNode
Then in another terminal:
yarn smart contracts:deploy --network localhost
Want to deploy to kovan?
PRIVATE_KEY=$yourPrivateKeyHere yarn smart contracts:deploy --network kovan
Oh, now you want to verify your contracts on etherscan? You will need an etherscan api key, so get one. Then run this bad boy:
ETHERSCAN_API_KEY=$yourEtherscanAPIKeyHere yarn smart contracts:verify --network kovan $contractAddress $firstConstructorArg $secondConstructorArg
(This process will be automated further, to apply to most or all of the deployed contracts without needing to know their constructor arguments.)
This repo uses eslint with a few options and prettier with 120 columns. Before committing any code, please run prettier:
yarn format:write
Then run the linter:
yarn lint
Documentation is available at