Converts links into embed HTML for several sites.
No external libraries required. Just include and use. Pass in a string as a parameter. Returns the string with URLs converted to the desired HTML. Each embedded element is wrapped in a span
with the class embedica_element
and a class coresponding to it's type (Example: embedica_youtube
) to help you target with CSS and JavaScript as needed.
/* Default to convert all */
string = embedica(string);
/* Specify which URLs to convert */
var embedica_settings = {
"youtube": true,
"vimeo": true,
"twitch": true,
"soundcloud": true,
"vocaroo": true,
"imgur": true,
"video_url": true,
"image_url": true,
"general_url": true
var string = embedica(string, embedica_settings);
Inside of .embedica_element
is a hidden span
with the class embedica_original_input
that contains the original message.
- Youtube (long url, share url, and mobile url formats, does not support start times or other options)
- Vimeo
- Twitch
- Soundcloud (with an api call)
- Vocaroo
- Imgur
- Video URLs (webm, mp4, ogv) as a video tag
- Image URLs (jpg, gif, png) as an img tag
- General URLs as hyperlinks (works best when begins with http/https and/or ends with /)
- URL can be in the middle of long string of text, output will preserve the rest of the text
- Will match multiple URLs on a single input