The API consumed by gordon-360-ui
Dive in.
- Machines and Sites
- The Database
- The Code
- Introduction
- Adding New Queries
- Caching
- API Endpoints
- API Testing
- Troubleshooting
- Documentation
As of Summer 2018 the virtual machines CS-RDSH-01 and CS-RDSH-02 are used for developing Gordon 360. Instructions for connecting via Remote Desktop can be found in
To work on this project, it is easiest to use the following machines provided by CTS:
- - Windows machine.
- Can be accessed through Remote Desktop Connection.
- Has the C# code.
- Has Visual Studio, MSSQL Server.
- Has deployment scripts and folders.
- Has site folders.
- - Ubuntu machine
- Is accessed through ssh.
- Is setup for running the tests (has an already filled
file.) - Has the User-facing code (HTML, JS and CSS)
The folders for these IIS sites can be found on the 360train machine under F:\sites
- -- Production Front-end. User-facing code (css, js, html)
- -- Development Front-end. User-facing code (css, js, html)
- -- Production JSON server site. C# using the ASP.NET Framework.
- -- Development JSON server site. C# using the ASP.NET Framework.
- Access the VM (see for instructions) as the cct.service user.
- Before you publish your new version, be sure to copy the current stable version to make a backup. To do so:
- Navigate in File Explorer to
and copy either 360Api or 360ApiTrain, whichever you're planning to publish to. - Paste that copy in the same place (
), and rename it to a backup including the date. For example, if you backed up the Train site on January 1, 2001, then the copy would be named360ApiTrain_backup 1-01-2001
- Navigate in File Explorer to
- Open gitbash and cd to
. Make sure that you are on the branch you wish to deploy, and that it has been pulled up to date. Note: if you clone a new repository on this VM, it will not have the necessary publish profiles or secrets.config. See to restore the Publish Profiles. - Start Visual Studio as an administrator (right click) and open the existing project/solution file -
(the solution file). - Menu Bar -> Build - Publish Gordon360.
- Choose the right publish profile.
- DEV -- Development ( Connects to the admintrainsql database server, and used for
- Prod -- Production ( Connects to the adminprodsql database server, and used for the real site
- If you don't see the publish profile you want (or you are automatically taken to the "Pick a Publish Target" Window) see to restore the Publish Profiles.
- Clicking publish pushes your changes to the API for either or, depending on which publish profile you used.
Note: these instructions are out-of-date, since Project Bernard is deprecated with the transition to gordon-360-ui! Please refer to the documentation for gordon-360-ui on GitHub. The new gordon-360-ui front-end uses the React framework rather than Ember.
- Log into CS-360-API-TEST through ssh.
- To make a change to the code, clone the Project Bernard repository.
- Install EmberJS and its dependencies. See the Project Bernard repository for help on how to do this (If you are using the CS-360-API-TEST machine, skip this step).
- Make a change to the code. Do your thing, make your mark. A legacy.
- Run one of these commands in the terminal at the root of the project folder.
ember build --env development
-- This version will use the Development api endpoint ( build --env production
-- This version will use the Production api endpoint (
- The output is placed in the
folder at root of your project folder.- Note: Since emberJS is a javascript framework, the output is just an html file with a TON of javascript linked :p
- Move the
folder AS-IS to one of the two user-facing sites on CS-RDP1.- If you used the development flag, move
to the 360Train IIS site. - If you used the production flag, move
to the 360 IIS site.
- If you used the development flag, move
- For moving files between a mac and the virtual windows machine, we used a Microsoft Remote Desktop feature called folder redirection. It lets you specify folders on your mac that will be available on the PC you are remoting to.
Since the type of solution we are using does not run like many systems, we have to cache a request that occurs every few minutes after startup. As such, we have implemented code in the startup.cs file that: 1 ) Performs static methods and saves the output to a static object (located in Helpers and Data, respectively) 2 ) Create an entry in the cache that then runs these static methods every few minutes
This process makes use of static names, methods, and data, since ASP.NET does not use global variables.
Data which is stored upon startup includes:
- All events in 25Live ending after the start of the current academic year
- All basic information on every account with an AD Username
- All student, faculty, staff and alumni profile info
database exists in:
- The development/test database
- The production/live database server.
All the tables were created from scratch by our team.
Misc Information:
- Apart from a few exceptions, the tables don't make use of foreign key constraints. This is because the relevant primary keys are in the tables referenced by Views. Unfortunately, one cannot make foreign keys that reference Views.
A record in this table stores:
- ACT_CDE - The short code for the activity.
- ACT_DESC - The name of the activity.
- ACT_BLURB - A short description of what the activity is about. This will be filled out by a leader.
- ACT_URL - URL to the website for the club/organization (if they have one).
- ACT_IMAGE_PATH - Path to where the activity logo is stored in the browseable folder.
- ACT_TYPE - Short code for the type of the activity
- ACT_TYPE_DESC - Full name of the type of the activity
You might notice that this table is an extension of the ACT_CLUB_DEF view. It contains extra information that the view does not have, but that we need. This is clearly a case of Information Duplication; information is available in two places and can easily fall out of sync. To remedy this, the stored procedure UPDATE_ACT_INFO was made.
A record in this table stores:
- ID_NUM - The gordon id number of the administrator
- USER_NAME - The administrator's username
- EMAIL - The administrator's email.
- SUPER_ADMIN - Whether or not the admin has super admin privilege
To make someone an admin, simply insert a record into this table through MSSQL Studio.
A record in this table stores:
- username - The gordon username of the current user (firstname.lastname)
- facebook - The URL of the user's facebook without its domain name
- twitter - The URL of the user's twitter without its domain name
- instagram - The URL of the user's instagram without its domain name
- linkedin - The URL of the user's linkedin without its domain name
Users don't exist in the table unless they add/edit their social media links on 360 site. Once a user adds any links, the user will be added to the table. This logic is done so that there won't be unused users in the table which can possibly slow down the website.
A record in this table stores:
- EVENT_ID - The event id number of this schedule (always has to be above 1000, to differentiate between a course schedule)
- GORDON_ID - The gordon id number of the user having this event
- LOCATION - The location of the event
- DESCRIPTION - The description of the event
- MON_CDE - Whether or not the event is in monday ('M')
- TUE_CDE - Whether or not the event is in tuesday ('T')
- WED_CDE - Whether or not the event is in wednesday ('W')
- THU_CDE - Whether or not the event is in thursday ('R')
- FRI_CDE - Whether or not the event is in friday ('F')
- SAT_CDE - Whether or not the event is in saturday ('S')
- SUN_CDE - Whether or not the event is in sunday ('N')
- IS_ALLDAY - Whether or not the event is happening for all day '0' for no and '1' for all day.
- BEGIN_TIME - The start time of the event in Timespan format
- END_TIME - The end time of the event in Timespan format
Myschedules doesn't exist in the table unless a user add/edit myschedule on 360 site. Once a user adds any customized event, the event will be added to the table. The structure is adopted from the course schedule format stored in other database. There are two primary keys - EVENT_ID and GORDON_ID. They have to match together to get any event schedule
A record in this table stores:
- IsSchedulePrivate - Whether or not the schedule is private (only applied to students and their course schedule. FacStaff and mySchedule won't be affected)
- ModifiedTimeStamp - The last time when the user modified the event or description
- Description - The schedule description for additional links
- gordon_id - The gordon id number of the current user
Schedule Controls also don't exist in the table unless a user add/edit their settings on 360 site.
A record in this table stores all the same fields as an Activity table in Jenzabar would. The goal of this table was to contain membership information that was to be moved to Jenzabar. To do this, one would use the stored procedure UPDATE_JNZB_ACTIVITIES.
A record in this table stores:
- ACT_CDE - The short code for the activity.
- SESS_CDE - The short code for the session when this membership took place.
- ID_NUM - The gordon id number of the member.
- PART_CDE - The short code for the participation level of the member.
- BEGIN_DTE - The date the membership began
- END_DTE - The date the membership ended
- COMMENT_TXT - Comment about the membership
- GRP_ADMIN - A boolean indicating whether or not this member has group admin privileges, allowing them to edit the group's page on the site
The other three fields (USER_NAME, JOB_NAME and JOB_TIME) where meant to be administrative fields to store data about who inserted records and when they did it. We ended up not using them. We kept them because they have good potential use.
A record in this table stores:
- SESS_CDE - The short code for the session they are requesting to join.
- ACT_CDE - The short code of the activity they are requesting to join.
- ID_NUM - The gordon id number of the potential member.
- PART_CDE - The short code for the participation level they want to join as.
- DATE_SENT - The date the request was made.
- COMMENT_TXT - Comments to accompany the request.
- STATUS - Status of the request. Should be either Pending, Approved or Denied.\
A record in this table stores
- ACT_CDE - The activity short code.
- ACT_DESC - The name of the activity.
This table is an exact duplicate of the JENZ_ACT_CLUB_DEF view. It is periodically updated by making sure what is in it corresponds to what is in JENZ_ACT_CLUB_DEF. When a new activity is found in JENZ_ACT_CLUB_DEF, it is inserted into ACT_CLUB_DEF and the stored procedure UPDATE_ACT_INFO is run.
We got access to these views through CTS. They are a direct live feed from the tables they represent. As mentioned earlier, we cannot use primary keys in the views to make foreign keys in other tables.
Account information for all the members of gordon college.
The Alumni information. Includes their information the same way as students.
Descriptions of the different codes for buildings around campus.
Information on chapel attendance for every student
The Activity information. Includes short codes and what they represent.
Descriptions of different codes for countries.
The Session information. Includes short codes, the session they represent, and the physical dates spanned by the session.
A subset of ACCOUNT
that has only faculty and staff member records.
Descriptions of the different codes for majors.
Pulls firstname, lastname, category (student, staff, faculty), and AD_Username (if it exists!) and then makes a concatenated string to be searched through
Definitions of the different participation levels for someone in an activity.
A list of IDs that are identified as gordon police.
A subset of ACCOUNT
that has only student records.
Content (images, captions, and links) for the slider on the dashboard page.
Stored procedures have been written to make some database accesses and administrative tasks easier. Here are the most important ones.
Returns all events which a student has attended based upon their AD_Username
Pulls firstname, lastname, category (student, staff, faculty), and AD_Username (if it exists!) and then makes a concatenated string to be searched through
This keeps the ACT_CLUB_DEF table in sync with the JENZ_ACT_CLUB_DEF view. It should be run periodically.
Because ACT_INFO is basically a duplicate of ACT_CLUB_DEF, this stored procedure tries to keep them synced. Ideally it should be run automatically anytime ACT_CLUB_DEF changes.
In non-sql terms, this procedure makes sure all the activities defined in ACT_CLUB_DEF are also present in ACT_INFO. If something has been added/removed to ACT_CLUB_DEF but not in ACT_INFO, it adds/removes the corresponding record to ACT_INFO.
This stored procedures is pretty simple. It moves all the relevant information from the MEMBERSHIP table and puts it in the JNZB_ACTIVITIES table. To prevent duplication, it will only add records that are present in the MEMBERSHIP table, but missing the JNZB_ACTIVITIES table.
Every time a record is inserted into the ACT_CLUB_DEF table, this trigger runs the UPDATE_ACT_INFO stored procedure. Although not clear in the name, this trigger also runs whenever a row is deleted from ACT_CLUB_DEF.
It's sometimes useful to look at the database directly, to see the schema or check data. Here is how.
- Use remote desktop to get to the Windows server VM
- If SQL Server Management Studio is not pinned to the task bar, pin it by starting it and right clicking on it in the task bar to pin it)
- Shift-right-click SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio) and select "Run as ..."
- Run as "cct.service"
- Connect to "ADMINTRAINSQL" database server (or "ADMINPRODSQL")
- Expand "Databases" then "CCT" then "Views"
- To see schemas, expand "dbo." entries and their "columns"
- To see data, right-click a view and select "Select top 1000 rows"
Everytime you update the database with new table, column, view or stored procedure, or modify the existing ones with different parameters or return values, you need to get the corresponding Entity Database Model XML in API. Editing it manually is not recommended, since it may cause unexpected errors such as PublicStudentData error.
Visual Studio provides auto-generation of .edmx file, with the following procedure:
- Use remote desktop to get to the Windows server VM
- Open Visual Studio and load the solution file
- In solution explorer, expand "Models" folder and delete the previous CCT_DB_MODELS.edmx by right-click on it and press delete (It's okay, we can remake it)
- Right-click "Models", expand "Add" and press "new Item" (If you can see ADO.NET Entity Data Model in here, you may press that as well)
- Under Visual C# panel, access to "Data" and find ADO.NET Entity Data Model. Name it as "CCT_DB_Models" and create it
- In the Wizard, default option would be "EF Designer from database". If it is not, changed to this option and head next
- While you choose your data connection, make sure the connection is "CCTEntities (Gordon360)" and you checked "Save connection setting in Web.Config as:". Also, the saved settings should be named as "CCTEntities1"
- Next, you will see the wizard retrieving the database objects from our CCT database. check all boxes in the panel but you should uncheck the option "Pluralize or singularize generated object names"
- Name the Model Namespace as "Gordon360" and press finish
The server was written using ASP.NET and is generally structured as such. As a MVC (Model View Controller) system, the heart of the code is in ApiControllers (which is organized like the API it implements, which is documented later in this file) and in the Models folder. The View is provided by a separate repository, gordon-360-ui.
Here is a breakdown of the project folder:
- gordon-360-api/
- Design_Documents/ - currently empty. I do not actually remember why we had this.
- Gordon360/ - The main project. Most of the work will be done here.
- ApiControllers/ - Folder containing the Controllers for the API endpoints.
- AuthorizationFilters/ - Contains code that enforces rules about who can access what.
- AuthorizationServer/ (The folder should really be called AuthenticationServer) - Contains code that does user authentication.
- bin/ - binary files. nothing to see here.
- browseable/ - Placeholder folder that will be moved AS-IS to the built product. It will end up containing user-generated content. Right now, it only contains uploaded activity pictures.
- Documentation/ - All the comments in the code are concatenated and made into this file. This is an automatic ASP.NET feature. We were going to somehow use the generated file for documentation, but didn't go through with it.
- Exceptions/ - Custom exceptions that are thrown in the code. These exceptions get thrown instead of the default 500 Server Error Exception.
- Models/ Code for the models (Model as in MODEL-View-Controller, or MVC)
- obj/ - Not really sure what this is. It is also automatically generated by ASP.NET.
- Properties/ - Contains files that Visual Studio uses to build and publish the project. No need to dig into this unless you want to fine tune the build process.
- Repositories/ - Contains Repository files and Unit of Work Files. Both of these are object-oriented design patterns. They help with separation of concerns and general code organization.
- Services/ - Services that are used by the ApiController. The concept of a Service is also a design pattern. It is very useful for decoupling. (e.g. Making sure Controller code is separate from code that accesses the database).
- Static Classes/ - Helper classes that are used throughout the code.
- Stored Procedures/ - This folder can be deleted. It is a relic from the past when I used to hard-code my stored procedures.
- packages/ - ASP.NET packages that the project depends on. You will not be making any changes here.
- Tests/ - Folder for tests
- ApiEndpoints/ - I talk about this more in the Testing section.
- (*) is your new Title (ex: Membership, Account, Session)
- (+) is your new stored procedure name (ex: MEMBERSHIPS_PER_STUDENT_ID)
- New Files:
- *Controller.cs under ApiControllers
- create new route
- calls the *service function
- returns ok
- *Service.cs under Services
- calls the stored procedure that returns view model
- *ViewModel.cs under ViewModels
- function names correspond to the columns of the data the stored procedure returns (Does not have to be exact names)
- static implicit operator converts * model to *ViewModel
- *Controller.cs under ApiControllers
- Update Files:
- ServiceInterfaces.cs under Services
- Add a public interface I*/
- Add all functions you have in *Service under this interface
- IUnitOfWork.cs under Repositories
- Make corresponding IRepository for * (ex. IRepository StudentEmploymentRepository {get;})
- UnitOfWork.cs under Repositories
- Make private IRepository<*> variable
- Write public function called *Repository
- Names.cs under Static Classes
- Add public const string *
- ServiceInterfaces.cs under Services
Note: The shell script
is run with bash
from a linux shell or git-bash. It provides a list of the API routes that appear in the ApiController files.
What is it? Resource that represents a gordon account.
Get the account with email email
Get the account with username
Returns the basicinfoviewmodel with a Concatenated attribute matching some or all of the searchstring
The same as above, used when the search string contains a space
Get all the accounts matching the specified parameters. Access to accounts is based on your account type (e.g. Students can't get Alumni).
What is it? Resource that represents some activity - such as a club, ministry, leadership program, etc.
Get all the activities.
Get the activity with activity code id
Get the activities offered during the session with session code id
Get the different activity types among the activities offered during the session with session code id
Get the status of an activity (either open or closed), which indicates whether or not new members can be added to the activity for this session.
Get all the open activities for the current session.
Get only the open activities for which a given user (identified by their user id
) is the group admin.
Get all the closed activities for the current session.
Get only the closed activities for which a given user (identified by their user id
) is the group admin.
Close out an activity for a given session (this is like confirming the final roster of an activity for a given session).
Reopen an activity for a given session.
Edit activity information for the club with activity code id
Update a given activity to private or not private with boolean value p
. The id
parameter is the activity id.
Set an image for the activity with activity code id
Reset the image to default for the activity with activity code id
What is it? Resource that represents admins.
Who has access? Only super admins, except to get a specific admin where all admins have access.
NOTE: facultytest is a super admins in PRODAPIDATA, stafftest is a super admins in TRAINAPIDATA
Get all the admins.
Get a specific admin with the Gordon ID specified.
Create a new admin.
Delete the admin with the admin id id
Get all majors that are found in the Student table.
Get all minors that are found in the Student table.
Get all halls that are found in the Student table.
Get all states that are found in the Student, Alumni, and FacStaff tables.
Get all countries that are found in the Student, Alumni, and FacStaff tables.
Get all the departments from the FacStaff table.
Get all the buildings from the FacStaff table.
The authentication process uses a simplified version of what is called Open Authentication (OAuth).
In OAuth, there are two servers including the one running your app. The server running your app doesn't authenticate people directly, it relies on the second server to tell it if a given person is allowed access. This second server is called the Authentication Server.
In our project, the Authentication Server and the App Server are actually the same. They are only separated code-wise. You could say that the App is the ApiControllers folder and the Authentication Server is the AuthorizationServer folder (Recall that it is currently named incorrectly, sorry. We haven't changed the name because it would require changing multiple import statements, and we don't have time to debug after the change).
Accepts a form encoded object in the body of the request:
"username": YOUR-USERNAME,
"password": YOUR-PASSWORD,
"grant_type": "password"
Response will include an access token which should be included in subsequent request headers.
Specifically, include it in the Authorization
header like so Bearer YOUR-ACCESS-TOKEN
What is it? Resource for fetching content that has been stored in the database by Gordon's website content manager.
Get the content for the dashboard slide.
What is it? Resource that represents emails.
Get the emails for members of the activity with activity code id
during the current session.
Get the emails for the members of the activity with activity code id
during the session with session code sessionid
Get the emails for the leaders of the activity with activity code id
during the current session.
Get the emails for the leaders of the activity with activity code id
during the session with session code sessionid
Get the emails for the group admins of the activity with activity code id
during the session with session code sessionid
Get the emails for the advisors of the activity with activity code id
during the current session.
Get the emails for the advisors of the activity with activity code id
during the session with session code sessionid
Sends an email.
Sends an email to the participants of the activity with activity code id
during the session with session code sessionid
Sends an email to the leaders of the activity with activity code id
during the session with session code sessionid
What is it? Resources to get information on Events from the 25Live system
- Only confirmed events are pulled
- Only events ending after the start of the current academic year are requested from 25Live
- Data from 25Live is retrieved every four minutes using a cached request
Get all events attended by a student (pulls from local database)
Get all events attended by a student in a specific term
Get event(s) specified by a type ID (or multiple). A full list can be found here:
Multiple types or events are separated by a '$'
Get event(s) specified by one or multiple Event_ID. Event IDs can be found in the url or resources in a 25Live request in a browser.
Multiple types or events are separated by a '$'
Returns all events in 25Live under predefined categories.
Returns all events in 25Live with Category_ID = 85 (CL&W Credit approved).
Returns all events in 25Live marked to promote on public calendars (Reuirement_ID = 3).
What is it? Resource that represents the affiliation between a student and a club.
Get all the memberships.
Get the membership with membership id id
Get the memberships associated with the activity with activity code id
Get the memberships of the leaders for the activity with activity code id
Get the memberships of the advisors for the activity with activity code id
Get the memberships of the group admin (displayed as "Group Contacts") for the activity with activity code id
Get the number of followers of an activity with activity code id
Get the number of members (excluding followers) of an activity with activity code id
Get the number of followers of an activity with activity code id
in session :sess_cde
Get the number of members (excluding followers) of an activity with activity code id
in session :sess_cde
Get the memberships of the student with student id id
Get the public version of memberships of the student with student username username
Create a new membership.
Edit the membership with membership id id
Toggle whether or not a given member is in a group admin role for a given activity. The id
parameter is the membership id.
Update a given membership to private or not private with boolean value p
. The id
parameter is the membership id.
Delete the membership with membership id id
What is it? Resource that represents a person's application/request to join an activity group.
Get all the membership applications.
Get the membership application with request id id
Get all the membership applications for the student with student id id
Get all the membership applications for the club with activity code id
Edits an existing memberships application.
Create a new membership application.
Deny the membership application with request id id
Approve the membership application with request id id
Delete the membership application with id id
What is it? Resource that represents the current session. e.g. Fall 2014-2015.
Who has access? Everyone.
Get all the sessions.
Get the session with session code id
Get the current session.
Get the days left in the semester and the total days in the semester
What is it? Resource that represents the different levels with which a person can affiliate themselves with a club.
Who has access? Everyone.
Get all the possible participation levels.
Get the participation level with code id
Get the participation levels that are considered leaders.
Get the participation levels that should appear on the cct as leadership. Unfinished: TO DO.
What is it? Resource that represents users' profiles.
Differences from GoSite:
- Only displaying city and country as home address. (When the viewer is a student. Police, super admin, faculty and staff should still see all the information for home address)
- Displaying minors.
- On campus was changed to display more general information rather than completely getting rid of it like GoSite does now. (Shows on/off campus)
Get profile info of the current logged in user.
Get public profile info of a user with username username
as a parameter.
Get college role of a user with username username
as a parameter --- College roles: super admin, faculty and staff, student and police.
Get profile image of the current logged in user. Image is stored in a base 64 string.
Get the profile image(s) of a user with username username
as a parameter. Image is stored in a base 64 string. Police, super admin, faculty and staff can view both default and preferred profile image of students. Only police and super admin can view both images of everyone including faculty and staff.
Upload a preferred image for the current logged in user.
Submit an ID image for the current logged in user.
Delete preferred image and set profile image to default for the current logged in user.
Update a social media link of a type(facebook, twitter, linkedin,instagram) of current logged in user.
Update mobile phone number privacy with value(Y or N) for the current logged in user.
Update profile image privacy with value(Y or N) for the current logged in user.
What is it? Request meal plan info and current balances.
Who has access? Everyone.
Get all possible meal plan info.
- If user has one or more meal plans, then current balances for each plan are included in a JSON response.
- If user does not have a meal plan but has a faculty-staff dining balance, then the balance is returned as a string.
- If there is no plan or balance then the string "0" (equivalent to no balance) is returned.
What is it? A resource that represents the campus employments of the currently logged in user.
Get the record of campus employments for the currently logged in user.
What is it? Resource that represents a course schedule of user.
Get all schedule objects of the currently logged in user.
Get all schedule objects of a user with username username
as a parameter.
What is it? Resource that represents a customized schedule of user.
Get all custom events of the currently logged in user.
Get all custom events of a user with username username
as a parameter.
Get a specific custom event of the currently logged in user with eventId
as a parameter
Update a custom event of the currently logged in user.
Create a custom event of the currently logged in user.
Delete a custom event of the currently logged in user.
What is it? Resource that represents information related to schedule.
Get the schedulecontrol object of the currently logged in user. Specifically, get the privacy, time last updated, description, and Gordon ID of the currently logged in user's schedule.
Get the schedulecontrol object of a user with username username
as a parameter. Specifically, Get the privacy, time last updated, description, and Gordon ID of the user's schedule.
Update a schedule privacy of the currently logged in user.
Update a schedule description of the currently logged in user.
What is it? Resource that represents the user's scores on the four pillars of the victory promise.
Get the victory promise scores of the currently logged in user.
A test suite is available at Tests/ApiEndpoints
to exercise the different endpoints. The most important files here are:
-- Stores all the tests.activity_code
-- The activity that will be used for testing.random_id_number
-- A random id number that is used when we want to verify if we can do things on behalf of someone else. E.g. An advisor can create memberships for anyone. A regular member can only create a membership for him/herself.leadership_positions
-- A list of participation levels considered to be leadership positions.hostURL
-- Base url of the apiusername
-- String with the username of a test account that is a member ofactivity_code
-- String with the password of a test account that is a member ofactivity_code
-- Integer with the id number of theusername
-- String with the username of a test account that is a leader ofactivity_code
Clone the project from the github site:
git clone
Copy into gordon-360-api/Tests/ApiEndpoints/. The file is located on the CS-RDSH-02 virtual machine in C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\
(or /c/users/public/documents\
when in git-bash). It is the same location where secrets.config is located.
Navigate to the API Tests folder:
cd gordon-360-api/Tests/ApiEndpoints/
Install pytest: pip install -U pytest
Check the hostURL
in if it is pointing to the correct backend
Run the tests:
-- This runs all the tests.
pytest -k '{name of def}'
-- This runs a specific test based on {name of def}.
As you are probably using one of the Linux machines in the Computer Science lounge, you will need to be on the virtual machine to run the server locally. Follow the directions here to set up and connect to the virtual machine.
If this is your first time on the virtual machine, you will need to clone the 360 code. You can use something like Git Bash or VS Code to do this.
Before you open the gordon-360-api folder, you will have to add the
file to it. The file is located on the CS-RDSH-02 virtual machine inC:\Users\Public\Public Documents\
when in git-bash). Copy the filesecrets.config
to the same folder in your project that contains theweb.config
file; currently, this is ingordon-360-api\Gordon360
. This file is a sort of keyring for the server to authorize itself at various points. -
Now, to open the api, look for the desktop app Visual Studio 2017, which has a purple Visual Studio icon. You will have to log in to a Microsoft account, which can just be the account Gordon made for you. Once you log in, go to
File > Open > Project/Solution
. Then, select and Open the filegordon-360-api/Gordon360.sln
. -
There is a little configuration you must yet do before running the server. In the solution explorer on the right, right click the name of the project (Gordon360) and select properties. From the tabs on the left, choose the Web tab and change the Project Url to an unused port. For example, if you chose port 5555, change Project Url to
. Then click Create Virtual Directory. Press OK on the dialog box, and you all configured! -
Now, you can press the Start button in Visual Studio to run the server (it is a green play button in the top middle of the tool bar). It will open the web browser and, after a period that may last half an hour or more, display an Error 403.14 - Forbidden. This is expected. You can now begin manually testing the API.
If you want to test the UI, keep the server running and follow the directions found here under "Connect Local Backend to React".
To manually test the API, use an API development/testing app like Postman.
Here you can create HTTP requests to hit the API endpoints that you want to test, and see what data response you get back.
Before you can call any normal API endpoints, you must first call the authentication endpoint with a PUT request, which will give you a token. After starting Postman, use the following steps:
- Near the top of the workspace window, change the request type from "GET" to "PUT" using the drop-down menu
- Enter the local back-end URL with
appended. It should look something likehttp://localhost:5555/token
, but use the port number you selected when carrying out the steps under Running the server locally rather than 5555 - Just below the URL you entered, click on "Body"
- Check the radio-button for
- Enter the following three pairs in the Key/Value fields, replacing username and password with valid data:
Key Value grant_type
username password
password - Click the blue "Send" button - after a brief pause you should see the returned token appear.
You can use this token to make an API request. For example:
- Use the clipboard to make of copy of the access-token value (do not include the double quotes, just copy the long string of characters between the quotes)
- Click on the "+" tab near the top of the window to open a new request frame
- Leave "GET" as the request type and enter in an appropriate API URL (e.g.
- Just below the URL, click on "Headers" and enter the following key/value pairs replacing access-token with the token string you copied:
Key Value Content-Type
access-token- Click the blue "Send" button
This is usually a folder permissions problem. The Json site runs as the user [email protected]. To solve this issue, edit the permissions to allow the [email protected] user to edit the browseable
folder. The folder is located in the Api site folder (either 360Api or 360ApiTrain, depending on which is having the problem).
Note that the permissions are reset every time a new browseable
folder is created. This should not usually happen because the deployment scripts don't touch the browseable
folder. However, in the case that you delete the old browseable
folder and put a new one in, make sure to also edit the permissions.
At this point, I think we eliminated most c#-related problems. Potential c#-related errors will be throwing custom exceptions that will tell you more about what is wrong. If you do get plain 500 error though, the problem might be a database one. Check:
- That the ACT_INFO and ACT_CLUB_DEF tables are in sync.
- That the stored procedures return exactly what the models expect.
- That the views are up. Sometimes CTS unexpectedly does maintenance. Try running simple select statements against the Views.
500 Internal Server Error could occur anywhere while running pytest. Be careful with all the test inputs, a too long comment might cause 500 error as well. So, try be as neat and clean as possible.
This error will only pop up when you are testing the server directly by running it with visual studio. When you run the gordon360 server from visual studio it automatically "hosts" it on localhost:3000
. By default, the server doesn't accept non-HTTPS (anything not on port 443) connections. There are two solutions:
- Change Visual studio settings to run on
by default. I tried this a bit, but didn't get very far. I don't think it is that hard though, I just didn't have the motivation to continue. - Allow non-HTTPS connections by commenting out some code. This is what I did. DON'T FORGET TO REMOVE THE COMMENT SYMBOLS AFTER YOU FINISH THOUGH.
- The code that restricts non-HTTPS connections is located under the
file. Look for the "#if DEBUG" and "#endif" code-blocks. Comment both out.
- The code that restricts non-HTTPS connections is located under the
This error might occurs while testing 'test_post_profile_image' and 'test_post_ID_image', the reason causes this is that method 'PostAsFormData()' doesn't post it as form data, it is still JSON, fix should be happened in However, even if 415 error was fixed, it would still possibly cause error 500, potentail solutions are above.
The documentation folder currently contains the ColdFusion files from go.gordon that contain the logic behind the people search.
- Index.cfm is the page used to select search criteria.
- Searchresults.cfm is the list of people you get back based on that criteria. It selects from a student view, facstaff view, and alumni view all separately and then sorts all the results together.
- Showperson.cfm is the detail page of the person you select from the searchresults.cfm page.
Team members: Bradley Boutcher, Chris Qiao, Jenny Kim, Joe Ross, Matt Felgate, Sam Nguyen
Computer Science Summer Practicum 2017