A statistics page of asciinema.org, visit here.
A screenshot:
bin/update: pull new data from asciinema.org/explore/public and update index.html
bin/generate: generate index.html
bin/autoupdate: run bin/update every 600s
bin/playrandom: play a random asciinema cast from asciinema.org/explore/public in terminal
bin/savetosqlite: save data to a sqlite3 format database file(data/asciinema.db)
$ ./bin/savetosqlite
saved data to /home/goreliu/asciinema_statistics/data/asciinema.db
$ sqlite3 data/asciinema.db
SQLite version 3.28.0 2019-04-16 19:49:53
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> .schema data
CREATE TABLE data (id int, os varchar(20), shell varchar(20), term varchar(50), user varchar(50));
sqlite> select count(*) from data where os = "Linux" and shell = "zsh";
sqlite> select count(*) from data where os = "macOS" and shell = "zsh";