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function editCore(core) { core = core.replace(/;if((\w)<1.0){/i, ';if($1<0){'); core = core.replace(/([\w]+\s*=\s*[\w]+\s*+\s16\s|\s0;\s([\w=]+)\s*=\s*+[\w[\s*><]]+;)/, '$1 $2*=0.75;'); core = core.replace( /([\w$]+(\d+,\w[\w>>2]|0,(+\w),(+\w))|0;[\w$]+(\d+,\w[\w>>2]|0,+-(+\w[\w+\d+>>3]),+-(+\w[\w+\d+>>3]))|0;)/i, '$1 window.viewScale=$2; if (window.coordOffsetFixed) { window.playerX=$4+window.offsetX; window.playerY=$5+window.offsetY;} if(window.draw){window.draw();}' ); core = core.replace( /(\w[\w+(\d+)>>3]=(\w);\w[\w+(\d+)>>3]=(\w);\w[\w+(\d+)>>3]=(\w);\w[\w+(\d+)>>3]=(\w);\w=\w+(\d+)|(\d+);)/i, '$1 function setMapCoords(_0x7e8bx1, _0x7e8bx2, _0x7e8bx3, _0x7e8bx4, _0x7e8bx5, _0x7e8bx6) { if (_0x7e8bx6 - _0x7e8bx5 == 24) { if (_0x7e8bx3 - _0x7e8bx1 > 14E3) { if (_0x7e8bx4 - _0x7e8bx2 > 14E3) { window.offsetX = 7071.067811865476 - _0x7e8bx3; window.offsetY = 7071.067811865476 - _0x7e8bx4; window.minX = _0x7e8bx1;window.minY=_0x7e8bx2;window.maxX=_0x7e8bx3;window.maxY=_0x7e8bx4; window.coordOffsetFixed = true; } } } } setMapCoords($3,$5,$7,$9,$2,$8);' ); console.log('core_edited'); return core; }

window.draw = () => { if (!window.minX || !window.minY || !window.maxY || !window.maxY) return; const ctx = document.getElementById('canvas').getContext('2d');; ctx.strokeStyle = '#0000ff'; ctx.lineWidth = 40; ctx.lineCap = 'round'; ctx.lineJoin = 'round'; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(window.minX, window.minY); ctx.lineTo(window.maxX, window.minY); ctx.lineTo(window.maxX, window.maxY); ctx.lineTo(window.minX, window.maxY); ctx.closePath(); ctx.stroke(); ctx.restore(); }

let observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => { mutations.forEach((mutation) => { mutation.addedNodes.forEach((node) => { if (/agario.core.js/i.test(node.src)) { observer.disconnect(); node.parentNode.removeChild(node); let request = new XMLHttpRequest();'get', node.src, true); request.send(); request.onload = function() { let coretext = this.responseText; let newscript = document.createElement('script'); newscript.type = 'text/javascript'; newscript.async = true; newscript.textContent = editCore(coretext); document.body.appendChild(newscript); setTimeout(() => { window.client = new Client(); }, 3500); } } }); }); });

observer.observe(document, { attributes: true, characterData: true, childList: true, subtree: true });

class Node { constructor() { this.x = 0; this.y = 0; this.size = 0; this.flags = 0; this.extendedFlags = 0; this.isVirus = false; this.isFood = false; } }

class Client {

constructor() {
    this.collectPellets2 = false;
    this.collectPellets = false;
    this.startedBots = false;
    this.authorized = false;
    this.bots = new Array();
    this.spawnedBots = 0;
    this.clientX2 = 0;
    this.clientY2 = 0;
    this.clientX = 0;
    this.clientY = 0;
    this.botID = 1;

async fetchLatest() {
    const file = await fetch("").then((response) => response.text());
    const clientVersionString = file.match(/(?<=versionString=")[^"]+/)[0];
    this.protocolKey = 10000 *
        parseInt(clientVersionString.split(".")[0]) + 100 *
        parseInt(clientVersionString.split(".")[1]) + parseInt(clientVersionString.split(".")[2]);

addEventListener() {
    document.addEventListener('keydown', event => {
        let key = String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode);
        if (key == 'X') {
        } else if (key == 'C') {
        } else if (key == 'P') {
            if (this.authorized) return this.send(new Uint8Array([5]));
            this.collectPellets = !this.collectPellets
            console.log(`Collect Pellets: ${this.collectPellets}`);

    document.addEventListener('mousemove', event => {
        this.clientX = event.clientX;
        this.clientY = event.clientY;

    let check = setInterval(() => {
        if (document.readyState == "complete") {
            setTimeout(() => {
            }, 1500);
    }, 100);

createUUID() {
    const possible = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789';
    let token = '';
    for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        for (let a = 0; a < 7; a++) token += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));
        token += '-';
    token = token.substring(0, token.length - 1);
    localStorage.setItem('agarUnlimited3UUID', token);
    return token;

loadCSS() {
    let script = document.createElement('script');
    script.src = '';
    $('head').append(`<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-ggOyR0iXCbMQv3Xipma34MD+dH/1fQ784/j6cY/iJTQUOhcWr7x9JvoRxT2MZw1T" crossorigin="anonymous">`);
    if (!localStorage.getItem('agarUnlimited3UUID')) localStorage.setItem('agarUnlimited3UUID', this.createUUID());
    this.uuid = localStorage.getItem('agarUnlimited3UUID');

loadGUI() {
    <input onchange="localStorage.setItem('botNick', this.value);" id="botNick" maxlength="15" class="form-control" placeholder="Bot Name" value="Bot"></input>
    <input onchange="localStorage.setItem('botAmount', this.value);" id="BotAmount" maxlength="3" class="form-control" placeholder="Bot Amount" value="10"></input>
    <center><button id="toggleButton" onclick="window.client.startBots(localStorage.getItem('botAmount'));" class="btn btn-success">Start Bots</button></center>
    if (!localStorage.getItem('botAmount')) localStorage.setItem('botAmount', 10);
    if (!localStorage.getItem('botNick')) localStorage.setItem('botNick', 'Sanik');
    console.log('[AgarUnlimited] Ready!');

startBots(amount) {
    if (this.authorized) return this.startBots2();
    amount > 200 ? amount = 200 : amount = amount;
    for (let i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
        this.bots.push(new Bot(this.protocolKey, window.client.botID, `wss://${window.MC.getHost()}:443?party_id=${window.MC.getPartyToken()}`, false));
    console.log(`[AgarUnlimited] Starting ${localStorage.getItem('botAmount')} bots!`);
    $('#toggleButton').replaceWith(`<button id='toggleButton' onclick='window.client.stopBots();' class='btn btn-danger'>Stop Bots</button>`);
    this.startedBots = true;

stopBots() {
    if (!this.startedBots) return;
    if (this.authorized) return this.stopBots2();
    this.bots.forEach(bot => {;
    this.bots.length = 0;
    console.log('[AgarUnlimited] Stopped bots!');
    $('#toggleButton').replaceWith(`<button id='toggleButton' onclick="window.client.startBots(localStorage.getItem('botAmount'));" class='btn btn-success'>Start Bots</button>`);
    this.startedBots = false;

splitBots() {
    if (this.authorized) return this.send(new Uint8Array([3]));
    if (this.bots.length == 0) return;
    this.bots.forEach(bot => bot.split());

ejectBots() {
    if (this.authorized) return this.send(new Uint8Array([4]));
    if (this.bots.length == 0) return;
    this.bots.forEach(bot => bot.eject());

Buffer(buf, msg) {
    if (msg) {
        buf = new Uint8Array(buf);
        let fixedbuffer = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(buf.byteLength));
        for (let i = 0; i < buf.byteLength; i++) {
            fixedbuffer.setUint8(i, buf[i]);
        return fixedbuffer;
    return new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(!buf ? 1 : buf));

send(buf) {
    if ( && == 1);


class Bot {

constructor(protocolKey, id, server, p2p) {
    this.protocolKey = protocolKey;
    this.botNick = localStorage.getItem('botNick');
    this.borders = new Object();
    this.protocolVersion = 22;
    this.nodes = new Array();
    this.node = new Object();
    this.encryptionKey = 0;
    this.decryptionKey = 0;
    this.serverIP = server;
    this.cellsIDs = [];
    this.offsetX = 0;
    this.offsetY = 0;
    this.p2p = p2p; = id;

connect(server) { = new WebSocket(server); = 'arraybuffer'; = this.onMessage.bind(this); = this.onError.bind(this); = this.onClose.bind(this); = this.onOpen.bind(this);

onOpen() {
    console.log(`Bot_${}: Connected`);

    let buf = this.Buffer(5);

    buf.setUint8(0, 254);
    buf.setUint32(1, this.protocolVersion, true);


    buf = this.Buffer(5);
    buf.setUint8(0, 255);
    buf.setUint32(1, this.protocolKey, true);


onClose() {
    console.log(`Bot_${}: Disconnected (Closed)`);

onError() {
    console.log(`Bot_${}: Disconnected (Error)`);

onMessage(msg) {
    let offset = 0;
    let oldMsg =;
    msg = this.Buffer(, true);

    if (this.decryptionKey) msg = this.xorBuffer(msg, this.decryptionKey ^ this.protocolKey);

    switch (msg.getUint8(offset++)) {

        case 241:
            this.decryptionKey = msg.getUint32(offset, true);
            oldMsg = Array.from(new Uint8Array(oldMsg)).splice(5, 11);
            this.encryptionKey = this.clientKey(this.serverIP, new Uint8Array(oldMsg));

        case 242:
            console.log(`Bot_${}: Spawning`);
            window.agarApp.recaptcha.requestCaptchaV3('play', token => this.spawn(this.botNick + 'x', token));

        case 85:
            console.log(`Bot_${}: Captcha failed Disconnecting...`);

        case 32:
            this.cellsIDs.push(msg.getUint32(offset, true));
            console.log(`Bot_${}: Spawned`);
            this.isAlive = true;

        case 255:
            let buf = msg.getUint32(1, true);
            let out = new Uint8Array(buf)
            out = this.decompressBuffer(new Uint8Array(msg.buffer.slice(5)), out);
            let data = new DataView(out.buffer);

            switch (data.getUint8(0)) {

                case 16:
                    var off = 1;

                    let eatQueueLength = data.getUint16(off, true);
                    off += 2;

                    for (let i = 0; i < eatQueueLength; i++) off += 8;

                    while (true) {
                        let n = new Node();
               = data.getUint32(off, true);
                        off += 4;

                        if ( == 0) break;

                        n.x = data.getInt32(off, true);
                        off += 4;

                        n.y = data.getInt32(off, true);
                        off += 4;

                        n.size = data.getUint16(off, true);
                        off += 2;

                        n.flags = data.getUint8(off++);
                        n.extendedFlags = 0;

                        if (n.flags & 128) n.extendedFlags = data.getUint8(off++);
                        if (n.flags & 1) n.isVirus = true;
                        if (n.flags & 2) off += 3;
                        if (n.flags & 4)
                            while (data.getInt8(off++) !== 0) {}
                        if (n.flags & 8)
                            while (data.getInt8(off++) !== 0) {}
                        if (n.extendedFlags & 1) n.isFood = true;
                        if (n.extendedFlags & 4) off += 4;

                        this.nodes[] = n;

                    let removeQueueLength = data.getUint16(off, true);

                    off += 2;

                    for (let i = 0; i < removeQueueLength; i++) {
                        let removedEntityID = data.getUint32(off, true);
                        off += 4;

                        if (this.nodes.hasOwnProperty(removedEntityID)) delete this.nodes[removedEntityID];
                        if (this.cellsIDs.includes(removedEntityID)) this.cellsIDs = this.cellsIDs.filter(x => x != removedEntityID);

                    if (this.isAlive && this.cellsIDs.length == 0) {
                        this.isAlive = false;
                        window.agarApp.recaptcha.requestCaptchaV3('play', token => this.spawn(this.botNick + 'x', token));

                case 64:
                    off = 1;
                    this.borders.minX = data.getFloat64(off, true);
                    off += 8;
                    this.borders.minY = data.getFloat64(off, true);
                    off += 8;
                    this.borders.maxX = data.getFloat64(off, true);
                    off += 8;
                    this.borders.maxY = data.getFloat64(off, true);
                    if (this.borders.maxX - this.borders.minX > 14E3) this.offsetX = (this.borders.maxX + this.borders.minX) / 2;
                    if (this.borders.maxY - this.borders.minY > 14E3) this.offsetY = (this.borders.maxY + this.borders.minY) / 2;

                    if (this.isAlive && !this.p2p && !window.client.collectPellets) {
                        this.moveTo((window.client.clientX - window.innerWidth / 2) / window.viewScale + window.playerX, (window.client.clientY - window.innerHeight / 2) / window.viewScale + window.playerY);
                    if (this.isAlive && !this.p2p && window.client.collectPellets) {
                        let nearestFood = this.getNearestFood();
                        this.moveTo(nearestFood.x - this.offsetX, nearestFood.y - this.offsetY);

                    if (this.isAlive && this.p2p && !window.client.collectPellets2) {
                        this.moveTo(window.client.clientX2, window.client.clientY2);
                    if (this.isAlive && this.p2p && window.client.collectPellets2) {
                        let nearestFood = this.getNearestFood();
                        this.moveTo(nearestFood.x - this.offsetX, nearestFood.y - this.offsetY);

getBotNodePos() {
    let botNode = {
        x: 0,
        y: 0,
        size: 0

    for (let i = 0; i < this.cellsIDs.length; i++) {
        let id = this.cellsIDs[i];
        const cell = this.nodes[id];
        if (cell) {
            botNode.x += cell.x / this.cellsIDs.length;
            botNode.y += cell.y / this.cellsIDs.length;
            botNode.size += cell.size / this.cellsIDs.length;

    return botNode;

getNearestFood() {
    let botNode = this.getBotNodePos();
    let bestDist = 10000;
    let nearestFood = new Object();

    Object.keys(this.nodes).forEach(nodeId => {
        let node = this.nodes[nodeId];
        let dist = Math.hypot(node.x - botNode.x, node.y - botNode.y)
        if (dist < bestDist & (node.size < botNode.size * 0.85 || node.isFood)) {
            bestDist = dist;
            nearestFood = node;

    return nearestFood;

send(buf, runEncryption) {
    if ( && == 1) {
        if (runEncryption) {
            buf = this.xorBuffer(buf, this.encryptionKey);
            this.encryptionKey = this.rotateKey(this.encryptionKey);

moveTo(x, y) {
    let buf = this.Buffer(13);
    buf.setUint8(0, 16);
    buf.setUint32(1, x + this.offsetX, true);
    buf.setUint32(5, y + this.offsetY, true);
    buf.setUint32(9, this.decryptionKey, true);
    this.send(buf, true);

spawn(name, token) {
    let buf = this.Buffer(2 + name.length + token.length);
    buf.setUint8(0, 0);
    for (let i = 0; i < name.length; i++) buf.setUint8(i + 1, name.charCodeAt(i));
    buf.setUint8(name.length, 0);
    for (let i = 0; i < token.length; i++) buf.setUint8(name.length + 1 + i, token.charCodeAt(i));
    this.send(buf, true);

split() {
    let buf = this.Buffer();
    buf.setUint8(0, 17);
    this.send(buf, true);

eject() {
    let buf = this.Buffer();
    buf.setUint8(0, 21);
    this.send(buf, true);

xorBuffer(buf, key) {
    for (let i = 0; i < buf.byteLength; i++) {
        buf.setUint8(i, buf.getUint8(i) ^ (key >> ((i % 4) * 8)) & 255);
    return buf;

rotateKey(key) {
    key = Math.imul(key, 1540483477) >> 0;
    key = (Math.imul(key >>> 24 ^ key, 1540483477) >> 0) ^ 114296087;
    key = Math.imul(key >>> 13 ^ key, 1540483477) >> 0;
    return key >>> 15 ^ key;

Buffer(buf, msg) {
    if (msg) {
        buf = new Uint8Array(buf);
        let fixedbuffer = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(buf.byteLength));
        for (let i = 0; i < buf.byteLength; i++) {
            fixedbuffer.setUint8(i, buf[i]);
        return fixedbuffer;
    return new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(!buf ? 1 : buf));

decompressBuffer(input, output) {
    for (let i = 0, j = 0; i < input.length;) {
        const byte = input[i++]
        let literalsLength = byte >> 4
        if (literalsLength > 0) {
            let length = literalsLength + 240
            while (length === 255) {
                length = input[i++]
                literalsLength += length
            const end = i + literalsLength
            while (i < end) output[j++] = input[i++]
            if (i === input.length) return output
        const offset = input[i++] | (input[i++] << 8)
        if (offset === 0 || offset > j) return -(i - 2)
        let matchLength = byte & 15
        let length = matchLength + 240
        while (length === 255) {
            length = input[i++]
            matchLength += length
        let pos = j - offset
        const end = j + matchLength + 4
        while (j < end) output[j++] = output[pos++]
    return output

clientKey(ip, buf) {
    for (var e = null, p = ip.match(/(ws+:\/\/)([^:]*)(:\d+)/)[2], s = p.length + buf.byteLength, o = new Uint8Array(s), a = 0; a < p.length; a++)
        o[a] = p.charCodeAt(a);
    o.set(buf, p.length);
    for (var m = new DataView(o.buffer), r = s - 1, g = 0 | 4 + (-4 & r - 4), h = 255 ^ r, f = 0; 3 < r;)
        e = 0 | Math.imul(m.getInt32(f, !0), 1540483477), h = (0 | Math.imul(e >>> 24 ^ e, 1540483477)) ^ (0 | Math.imul(h, 1540483477)), r -= 4, f += 4;
    switch (r) {
        case 3:
            h = o[g + 2] << 16 ^ h, h = o[g + 1] << 8 ^ h;
        case 2:
            h = o[g + 1] << 8 ^ h;
        case 1:
            e = h;
    e != h && (e = 0 | Math.imul(o[g] ^ h, 1540483477)), e ^= h = e >>> 13, e = 0 | Math.imul(e, 1540483477), e ^= h = e >>> 15;
    return e;



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