Bon APPetit is a facial detection game built by Gordy Lanza and Jules Blanc. We built it with vanilla ES6, Rails, and face-api.js.
We wanted to make something that played with a user's expectations of how they interact with a browser. The modern browser is much more than forms and fields. At the same time, experiences like this are possible and clandestine surveillance are possible. For the internet to flourish, laymen should be educated on the kinds of data collection that are possible.
We wanted to make an experience that was accessible. We don't claim to be designers, but we hope that this is a game that is as enjoyable for eight year olds as it is for eighty year olds.
Lastly, we wanted to explore ways in which an application is an extension of the self, though we are still learning how to communicate what this second-world of bytes means to us. Said otherwise, it can be a strange experience eating an emoji on a web page.
- Rails/Postgres for back-end
- ES6 for front-end
- face-api.js package for facial detection
- Huge thanks to the brilliant work of Vincent Muehler on his face-api.js. We could not have built this in 4 days without his library.
- We were hard-pressed to build and deploy our first ES6 app in a week. Known issues we did not have time to resolve are logged in the repo.
MIT © @gortron / @gawaxx