I'm a user-friendlier drop-in replacement for the standard select with multiple attribute activated.
@lou http://loudev.com
<link href="path/to/multiselect.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<select multiple="multiple" id="my-select" name="my-select[]">
<option value='elem_1'>elem 1</option>
<option value='elem_2'>elem 2</option>
<option value='elem_3'>elem 3</option>
<option value='elem_4'>elem 4</option>
<option value='elem_100'>elem 100</option>
<script src="path/to/jquery.multi-select.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
The plugin has a set of options:
afterInit: function(container){} // Function to call after the multiSelect initilization.
afterSelect: function(values){} // Function to call after one item is selected.
afterDeselect: function(values){} // Function to call after one item is deselected.
selectableHeader: null // Text or HTML to display in the selectable header.
selectionHeader: null // Text or HTML to display in the selection header.
selectableFooter: null // Text or HTML to display in the selectable footer.
selectionFooter: null // Text or HTML to display in the selection footer.
selectableOptgroup: false // Cick on optgroup will select all nested options when set to true.
keepOrder: false // The selected items will be displayed in the same order than they are selected.
dblClick: false // Replace the defautl click event to select items by the dblclick one.
searchEngine: false // Add an input text to search/filter elements
cssClass: "" // Add a custom CSS class to the multiselect container.
disabledClass: 'disabled' // CSS class for disabled items.
previewButton: function($button){} // Add a preview button and call the function when clicked
selectButton: true|function($button){} // Add a select button and call the function when clicked. If set to true, the callback function is simply the select/deselect. If set to a function, it is called AFTER select/deselect. Note that the label itself is not clickable when the button is added
selectAll: null // CSS class for a select-all-html-tag that has been added into the DOM (with selectableFooter or selectableHeader for instance)
deselectAll: null // CSS class for a deselect-all-html-tag that has been added into the DOM (with selectableFooter or selectableHeader for instance)
counterClass: null // CSS class for two html tags that will contain the numbers of elements available in each list. They must be in the ms-container so they should be created using selectableFooter or selectableHeader)
refreshClass: null // CSS class for a tag that will reset the selection as it was when the page was first loaded
Multi-select is released under the MIT License.