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The standards package provides a set of interfaces and implementations for caching and logging functionalities, designed to be flexible and extensible. It includes interfaces for cache operations, a logger interface, and implementations for both cache and logging functionalities.

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To install the standards package, use the following Go command:

go get -u


The standards package includes different types of cache interfaces and implementations.

Cache Interface

The Cache interface defines methods for working with cache items. It provides functionality for retrieving, saving, deleting, and clearing cache items.


  • GetItem(key string) CacheItem: Retrieves a cache item by key or nil if not exists.
  • GetItems(keys ...string) []CacheItem: Retrieves multiple cache items by keys.
  • HasItem(key string) bool: Checks if a cache item exists.
  • Clear() error: Clears all items in the cache.
  • DeleteItem(key string) error: Deletes a specific cache item.
  • DeleteItems(keys ...string) error: Deletes multiple cache items.
  • Save(item CacheItem) error: Immediately persists a cache item.
  • SaveDeferred(item CacheItem) error: Marks a cache item to be saved later.
  • Commit() error: Persists any deferred cache items.

CacheItem Interface

The CacheItem interface represents individual cache items with methods for interacting with them.


  • GetKey() string: Returns the key of the cache item.
  • Get() any: Retrieves the value of the cache item.
  • IsHit() bool: Confirms if the cache lookup was a hit.
  • Set(value any) (CacheItem, error): Sets the value of the cache item.
  • ExpiresAt(expiration time.Time) (CacheItem, error): Sets the absolute expiration time for the cache item.
  • ExpiresAfter(t time.Duration): Sets the relative expiration time for the cache item.

CacheSimple Interface

The CacheSimple interface provides simplified cache operations with key-value pairs.


  • Get(key string, defaultValue any) any: Retrieves a value from the cache.
  • GetMultiply(keys []string, defaultValue any) []any: Retrieves multiple values from the cache.
  • Has(key string) bool: Checks if a key exists in the cache.
  • Clear() error: Clears all cache items.
  • Delete(key string) error: Deletes a specific cache item.
  • DeleteMultiply(keys ...string) error: Deletes multiple cache items.
  • Set(key string, item any) error: Adds or updates a cache item.
  • SetMultiply(values []any, ttl time.Duration) error: Adds or updates multiple cache items with a TTL.


The standards package provides a logging system with multiple log levels, making it easy to implement custom loggers or use the provided default LoggerNull.

Logger Interface

The Logger interface defines methods for logging at various levels.


  • Emergency(message string, context []any) error: Logs an emergency level message.
  • Alert(message string, context []any) error: Logs an alert level message.
  • Critical(message string, context []any) error: Logs a critical level message.
  • Error(message string, context []any) error: Logs an error message.
  • Warning(message string, context []any) error: Logs a warning message.
  • Notice(message string, context []any) error: Logs a notice level message.
  • Info(message string, context []any) error: Logs an info level message.
  • Debug(message string, context []any) error: Logs a debug level message.
  • Log(level LogLevel, message string, context []any) error: Logs a message with an arbitrary log level.

LogLevel Enum

The LogLevel type defines the following log levels:

  • EMERGENCY: System is unusable.
  • ALERT: Immediate action required.
  • CRITICAL: Critical conditions.
  • ERROR: Errors that do not require immediate action.
  • WARNING: Exceptional occurrences, not errors.
  • NOTICE: Normal but significant events.
  • INFO: Informative events.
  • DEBUG: Detailed debug information.

LoggerNull Implementation

The LoggerNull type implements the Logger interface and provides a no-op (no operation) logger. It does not perform any logging, making it useful for scenarios where logging is not required.

Example usage:

package main

import (

func main() {
	// Create a new LoggerNull instance
	logger := &standards.LoggerNull{}

	// Example of using the logger methods
	logger.Info("Informational message", nil)
	logger.Warning("Warning message", nil)
	logger.Error("Error message", nil)

LoggerAware Interface

The LoggerAware interface provides a SetLogger method to inject a logger into an object that requires logging functionality.


  • SetLogger(logger Logger): Injects a logger instance into the object.


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