Adversaries often use organization logos, slogans, and taglines to make typosquat domains appear legitimate. Even if the domain doesn't match the original website exactly, a logo or tagline can be enough to trick customers into falling for a scam.
Brand Guard can identify suspicious domains that impersonate organization brand names, logos, taglines, and slogans in typosquat domains. This tool is built on top of the powerful Dnstwist tool, which enhances monitoring and significantly reduces analysis time.
- Chrome
- tesseract
- domain - domain name to be monitored
- -w, --webdriver-dir - Path to the Chrome WebDriver executable. Default: ./webdriver/chromedriver (optional). If the Chrome web driver included in this package is outdated, download the latest version from
- -s, --screenshot-dir - Path to store the screenshots
- -d, --dictionary - Add keywords to the ./dictionaries/domains.dict file
- -t, --tld - Add tld keywords to the ./dictionaries/tld.dict file
- -k, --keywords - Enter brand name, slogan and taglines
Clone the repository
cd /Data git clone
Build the container
pwd: /Data/brandguard docker build -t app .
Start the container
pwd: /Data/brandguard docker run --rm -it --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN --security-opt seccomp=unconfined --name=app app /bin/bash
Execute the script
python <<domain>> -k logoname 'slogan test' -s ./screenshots -d ./dictionaries/domains.dict -t ./dictionaries/tlds.dict