A java library for communicating with the Pwinty API.
Everything is done with an Order object:
import uk.co.mattburns.pwinty.Pwinty;
import uk.co.mattburns.pwinty.Pwinty.Environment;
import uk.co.mattburns.pwinty.model.Order;
import uk.co.mattburns.pwinty.model.Photo.Sizing;
import uk.co.mattburns.pwinty.model.Photo.Type;
// Choose Environment.LIVE for real orders
Pwinty pwinty = new Pwinty(Environment.SANDBOX, "merchant-id", "api-key");
// Contruct a new Order
Order order = new Order(pwinty);
order.setRecipientName("Matt Burns");
order.setAddress1("123 Some Street");
order.setAddress2("Some Village");
order.setPostalOrZipCode("BS1 123");
// Upload a photo
File file = new File("kittens.jpg");
order.addPhoto(file, Type._4x6, 1, Sizing.Crop);
// Check the Order is valid for submission
if (order.getSubmissionStatus().isValid()) {
// Submit it for printing and posting
Any call to the API could throw a PwintyError which is an unchecked exception. It's up to you if you want to catch and handle it. See the Pwinty API documentation for potential errors.
try {
} catch (PwintyError e) {
System.out.println(e.getCode() + ": " + e.getError());
- pwinty-java-sdk-with-dependencies-1.1.zip (includes required dependencies)
I have bundled up the Jars you need into pwinty-sdk-with-dependencies-1.0.zip. If you prefer to manage them yourself, they are:
- Gson - gson-2.2.jar
- Jersey - jersey-core-1.12.jar, jersey-client-1.12.jar, jersey-multipart-1.12.jar, jsr311-api-1.1.1.jar
Here is the SDK without the dependencies:
The project files are present so you can just import the project into eclipse. If you want to play, you can build the jars from source using ant.
See the test code for more usage examples.