Pings a set of hosts and reports on the response time. The plugin allows multiple hosts to be ping'd and each of those hosts to set their own Poll interval. See video walkthrough. Note: Currently does not support SmartOS.
OS | Linux | Windows | SmartOS | OS X |
Supported | v | v | - | v |
- To install new meter go to Settings->Installation or [see instructons|].
- To upgrade the meter to the latest version - [see instructons|].
Runtime | node.js | Python | Java |
Required | + |
Field Name | Description |
Source | The source to display in the legend for the host. Ex. google |
Host | The Hostname or IP Address to ping. For example, or |
Poll Time (sec) | The Poll Interval to send a ping to the host in seconds. Ex. 5 |
Metric Name | Description |
Ping Response Time | The response time from the ping command |