Given the monthly time series of supplies in billions of cubic meters of the Nile River for the period 1/1/1870 to 1/12/1945 we fit two different distributions, the gamma, and Weibull, for each month. For fitting and estimating the parameters, we use the λ-moments method (you can read more about this method at Finally, we compare the two distributions by measuring the root mean square error and plotting the errors. We represent time series using xts packet.
├── dfitting.R #main program
├── EmpCdf.R #custom function to calculate the empirical CDF
├── errors #final plot of the errors
├── gammadistr #plots fitting Gamma distribution
├── get_month.R #custom function to get the data for each month
├── NileData_BCM.txt #main data for Nile River supplies
├── weibulldistr #plots fitting Weibull distribution
└── yearlyfolder #Convert the monthly time series to a time series expressing the average annual supply