Red5 server core
The majority of the Red5 project information continues to reside on Google Code. Post any issues or wiki entries there, until we post otherwise.
The Red5 users list may be found here:!forum/red5interest
Latest version is 1.0.2-M1
If you want answers from a broader audience, Stack Overflow may be your best bet.
To build the red5 jars, execute the following on the command line:
mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Dclassifier=bootstrap install
This will create the jars in the "target" directory of the workspace; this will also skip the unit tests.
To download the dependencies, execute this:
mvn dependency:copy-dependencies
This will download all the dependencies into the "target" directory under "dependency". The next command will package everything up:
mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Dmaven.buildNumber.doUpdate=false -Dclassifier=bootstrap package
Right now, this will skip the demos directory but I'm working on a fix. The xml nodes to copy the demos are in the
and may be uncommented for a package build, if you have the entire svn tree checked out.
To manually copy the "demos", go to and collect all the files therein. Create a directory in your red5 install at this location
Place all the files there.
- Create the eclipse project files, execute this within red5-server directory.
mvn eclipse:eclipse
- Import the project into Eclipse.
- Access the right-click menu and select "Configure" and then "Convert to Maven Project".
- Now the project will build automatically, if you have the maven plugin installed.
[ Screencast]
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