The following instructions will get you up and running on the L&L Nippert Charitable Foundation and LDNMAF review portals in a matter of minutes. You can refer back to these instructions at any time.
Once the portal administrator has created your account and the applications are ready for review, the system will send you a welcome email. This welcome email will contain a link to set up your Review Portal. Please review the following steps to create your account:
- Click the link you received in your welcome email and you will arrive at a page that asks you to enter your email address.
- In the email form field, enter your email address. The email address should match the email address where you received the welcome email message.
- Since this is your first time logging into the system, you will be sent an account activation email which will confirm the correct email address on file and activate your account.
- Click the link in this activation email.
- The system will prompt you to create and confirm a password. Please note the password requirements.
- Click "Create Account" and you will be logged into the system.
Getting familiar with the "Listings Dashboard" will ensure the rest of your review process goes smoothly. There are four main components of the dashboard:
- Application List View - This is a list of all applications for you to review.
- Application Status Filter - This dropdown can be used to quickly sort which applications you have reviewed, you are in the process of reviewing, or have completed the review.
- Application Search - This search field will allow you to quickly find an application based on a project name or organization name.
- Listings Grid View - This button will give you quick access to basic application information including your vote decision.
To return to the main listings page at anytime, click the logo at the top of the page.
<iframe height="540" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen="true"> </iframe>Individual applications can be viewed by clicking on any of the data fields on each application in the list. When you open the application, you will arrive at a grant summary screen. If an organization has submitted more than one application in the same year, each application will be listed here. To view the complete grant summary, click on the "view" icon next to the "Amount Requested". To return to the listings page, you may either click "Listings" on the navigation breadcrumbs or click the logo at the top of the page.