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Joseph Newman edited this page Mar 2, 2019 · 1 revision

Two years ago for a gamejam, a friend and I made a 2D top-down game called Compa Chaos. In it, you play as a missionary whose companion despises you, so you have to move around to keep an eye on him while also getting in your contacts. Since we weren't able to implement everything in the 48 hours we had to work on it, Compa Chaos 2 will implement those new features, such as a time limit to get in your contacts, a thief that shows up under certain circumstances, more than one level, and others. Since we were able to get so much done for the original in 48 hours, I'm confident we'll be able to get a lot of this done, if not all of this, by the end of the semester.

Of course, we'd want to restart from scratch, since the original code is very messy and we haven't touched it for two years.

PERT & Gantt Charts

Gant Chart

Weekly Reports

Org Chart

Project Manager The Project Manager’s role is to manage the temporal organization of the team. This means handling issue/task assignment, organizing issues into specific categories, figuring out when to hold meetings and defining the goals of those meetings, setting up and scheduling milestones, writing weekly team reports, and retrieving any necessary resources and assets. He can assist wherever necessary as well.

Chief Architect (God of Plant) The Chief Architect’s job is to ensure that code adheres to a coding standard and that code fits in with the other components of the project. He approves changes to the architecture and ensures the integrity of the codebase. He will assist in engineering the code, and with the project manager, will ensure that the vision we have for Compa Chaos 2 will be achieved.

Graphics Guru The Graphics Guru’s primary task is to implement the graphical components of Compa Chaos 2, from the rendering pipeline to the user interface.

Vice Emperor of QA The Vice Emperor of QA does his best to break the game so that whoever is responsible for the component can repair it. As with all other roles, he may assist developing the codebase wherever necessary.

Engineering Wizards The backend engineers help resolve issues with game logic, working on algorithms as needed, implementing the architecture, helping develop AI behavior, and the other crucial components of the game.


Löve2D - a Lua game framework (use version 11.2)
Tiled Map Editor - A very useful program that will help us design, implement, and export levels to be used in-game.

Key Features

Fog of War (hiding what can't be seen)


  • Periodically runs to a location out of the player's line of sight
  • Can be "bribed" with ice cream (his favorite treat) to reset/lengthen his "escape timer"
  • Potentially afflicted with some kind of condition to modify behavior.

People on the street

  • Spawn at defined locations, despawn at the same places
  • Need a minimal amount of AI to control their movement from place to place
  • Need to be able to be contacted (should prioritize those who haven't been contacted)

Levels and varying conditions for those levels

  • Weather conditions (could affect both companion's and NPCs' behaviors/spawn rates/lifetime)
  • Amount of contacts required for the day
  • Amount of time available to complete the level
  • Loaded from some kind of encoding (probably another Lua file with a table containing the level data)
  • Info for collision detection (primarily for buildings and walls in the world)
  • Location(s) of the shop(s) in the level where the player can purchase ice cream for the companion

Game/Player Data

  • A stat that keeps track of how well you're keeping an eye on your companion (if it drops to zero, it's game over)
  • Which level the player is on
  • How much money the player has
  • A small inventory (primarily to check if the player has ice cream to give to the companion; could be extended to include missionary materials)

Team Members

  • Joseph Newman
  • Derik Jensen
  • Emmett Turley
  • Jason McAllister
  • David Owen
  • Derek Mines