For building and packaging
For containerized run (beside Maven):
To run in docker container run the following commands from the project's root folder:
Build the image:
docker build -t statistics-service .
Run the image with all the required environment variable and necessary exposed ports:
(You should set the values replacing the < values > parts)
docker run -d \
-e 'MYSQL_CONTAINER_IP=<your-mysq-server-ip>' \
-e 'MYSQL_DATABASE_USERNAME=<your-mysql-username>' \
-e 'MYSQL_DATABASE_PASSWORD=<your-mysql-password>' \
-e 'TODO_SERVICE_IP=<to-do-service-container-ip>' \
-p 8384:8384 \
You can find the related (and required) to-do-service here.
The required mysql database table should be: latest_statistics
To prepare some example data you can insert some with the following SQL