LeGo CertHub v0.13.1
[v0.13.1] - 2023-10-12
This release adds the ability to add, edit, and delete providers via the
frontend GUI. It is now possible to setup LeGo without manually editing
the config file. You should still check the config example to see if you
need or want to set any of those options.
- Add ability to add, edit, and delete providers via the GUI and without
having to restart LeGo. - Add example config to release packages and docker image. This should
have been added last version.
- If dns_checker can't properly configure dns servers, fallback to sleep
for 2 minutes. This is to avoid app start failure in this instance and
instead to use a reasonable alternative. An error is still logged. - Change deprecated substr func to substring func.
- Set 'Revoke' button on certificate orders to be red.
- Don't redact acme-dns provider info. It isn't sensitive enough to
justify the additional complexity. - Always log some basic info when orders are placed and completed.
Previously this was only showing at debug log level.
- Fix sometimes non-unique key on GUI display of provider config.
- Fix handling of redacted info when it is POSTed.